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Raphael's photo

USD $129/hr

5 years of tutoring

English, French

East Palo Alto, United States

Raphael L.


Harvard University, Yale University

Harvard and Yale grad for math and science tutoring

I majored in math and physics at Yale, and received a PhD in statistical physics at Harvard. I have also worked in scientific areas throughout my career. As such, I have very deep expertise in math and science, and I enjoy passing that on to students. I am excellent at explaining things to people of all levels and abilities. I am highly experienced having tutored full time (>2000 hours per year) for the past few years. I primarily focus on math, physics, statistics, and chemistry, to college students, high school students, and professionals. I also tutor people in competition math / science such as AMC and AIME and USPhO, as I was top 4 in the US Chemistry Olympiad, top 20 in the US Physics Olympiad, and top 50 in the US Math Olympiad.

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Subjects: Abstract Algebra, Algebra, Calculus, Chemistry, Complex analysis, Differential Equations, Discrete Math, Geometry, Linear Algebra, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Physics, Pre-Calculus, Probability, Statistics, Vector Calculus

15min Free Session
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Seyyedehelnaz (Eli)'s photo

USD $45/hr

11 years of tutoring

Persian, English

Tehran, Iran

Seyyedehelnaz (Eli) E.


Imam Khomeini International University

Explore Math & Electrical Engineering Subjects with a Highly Experienced Tutor and Lecturer --- 12 years experience --- PhD

Are you struggling with math? Do you have trouble understanding electrical engineering concepts? Are you interested in learning Farsi or proof reading your paper? Do you want to improve your grades? You have got to the right person. That's what I'm here for to help you with! ACADEMICAL BIOGRAPHY: I have got my PhD in electrical engineering in 2018. I have been teaching at high school and university levels since 2011. Currently, I am an assistant professor (Part-time) in both Islamic Azad University of Tehran and Tehran University of Applied Science and Technology. I have deep experience in teaching at high school and university levels. I have also a rich experience of private tutoring in mathematics and physics at high school and university levels. I also teach the subjects and software related to electrical engineering both at university and privately. My careful observations of the teaching styles and methods that I experienced throughout my education and work, provide a valuable collection of effective teaching techniques from which I draw to meet my students' personal and educational needs. Therefore, I strongly invite you to book a lesson with me.

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Subjects: ACT Math, AP Physics, Algebra, Calculus, Discrete Math, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Farsi, MATLAB, Physics (Electricity and Magnetism), Proofreading, Python, R Programming, SAT Mathematics

15min Free Session
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Mustafa's photo

USD $25/hr

25 years of tutoring

Arabic, English

Cairo, Egypt

Mustafa S.


U of Manitoba

PhD Statistics (Expert in Statistics, Mathematical Statistics, Econometrics, Probability, Regression, Biostatistics, Linear Algebra, Data Science, R/SPSS/STATA)

I have PhD degree in Statistics, have been working in the field of Statistics for several years since I was awarded my B.Sc. with honor in Statistics. I taught a wide variety of courses in Statistics and Mathematics at university level. Among the subjects I taught were Introduction to Statistics, Principles of Mathematics, Calculus, Mathematical Statistics, Statistical Inference, Linear Algebra, Econometrics, Design of Experiments, Research Project in Statistics, and SPSS course. I received three scholarships in addition to an award for Outstanding Academic Performance by a Ph.D. Student. Having a solid background in both statistical methodology and applications encourages me work as online tutor. My Specialities Applied Statistics (all levels) Mathematical Statistics and Probability Econometrics and Regression Models Linear Algebra and Calculus R, Data Science

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Subjects: AP Statistics, Biostatistics I, Calculus, Computational statistics, Data Analysis, Data Science, Data Visualization, Econometrics, Linear Algebra, Probability, Quantitative Methods, R Programming, Stata, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Statistics

15min Free Session
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Dr. Nitin's photo

USD $32/hr

9 years of tutoring

English, Hindi

New delhi, India

Dr. Nitin P.


Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai

A chemistry subject expert with 3 years university teaching and 8 years tutoring experience

Improve your grades, understanding, and confidence in chemistry with me. I teach at all levels of chemistry from grade 6-12, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels. I am a qualified teacher with degree in teaching (B.Ed.).

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Subjects: Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, SAT II Chemistry

15min Free Session
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Mary Ogorchukwu's photo

USD $35/hr

9 years of tutoring

English, Hungarian

Budapest, Hungary

Mary Ogorchukwu O.


University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, Louisville Girls Secondary School, Abuja, Nigeria, Cenad Early Days School, Port-Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

Medical Doctor with 9 years of tutoring experience

I am a medical doctor with an M.D degree from the University of Debrecen in Hungary and I have been a tutor for the past 9 years. I also have experience with research in the departments of Medical Chemistry, Physiology and Orthopaedic surgery. I have presented 2 out of 3 of my research work and I was part of my University’s Student Scientific Association (SSA) and TalendUD (both programs are geared towards students in research). I have experience writing medical articles and I am currently tutoring Physiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, , Pathology, Genetics, and Microbiology.

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Subjects: Biochemistry, Genetics, Immunology, Pathology, Pathophysiology, Physiology

Neha's photo

USD $15/hr

5 years of tutoring

English, Hindi

Rishīkesh, India

Neha B.


Vellore Institite of Technology, vellore

A software engineer with a passion to teach coding and math

Hello, my name is Neha Bindal. I am a computer science professional with a passion for teaching and mentoring others. I have been working in the industry for several years and have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in various areas of computer science. I believe that my skills and experience make me well-suited to teaching on a computer science platform.

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Subjects: Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Computer Programming in Cpp, Computer Science, Data Structures & Algorithms, Java, JavaScript, Object Oriented Programming, Pre-Algebra, Python, R Programming, Scratch Programming Language, Web Development

15min Free Session
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Khashayar's photo

CAD $22/hr

2 years of tutoring

Persian, English

Ottawa, Canada

Khashayar G.


Carleton University

Carleton Graduate Engineering Student

As a mechanical engineer in the field of autonomous robots, I am familiar with many subjects, ranging from high school math to thermodynamics and python. I have a younger brother whom I have helped from a young age with his studies. I have learned how to teach someone whose learning process is different than mine through this experience. I have continued by helping my classmates understand the courses if they had issues after class and I have teaching assistant experience at the university.

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Subjects: Calculus, Linear Control Systems, MATLAB, Math, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Python, SolidWorks, Statics

15min Free Session
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Matthew's photo

CAD $75/hr

8 years of tutoring

English, German, Italian, Spanish, French

Orangeville, Canada

Matthew D.


Wilfrid Laurier University, University of Waterloo

BBA/BMath Double Degree Student (Dean's List)

I graduated from the BBA and BMath Double Degree program offered in Waterloo (87% average), obtaining a Bachelor of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo and a Bachelor of Business Administration at Wilfrid Laurier University. I have acted as a teaching assistant for BU111/BU121, CP104, and CP212 at Laurier. In my final year, I was also the BU111 Head Teaching Assistant and was involved in the course redesign. Please note I require a minimum of 24hrs notice if you wish to cancel a lesson.

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Subjects: Business, Computer Science, Economics, IB Mathematics, Microeconomics, elementary math

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Currently Not Accepting New Students
Waseem's photo

CAD $38/hr

5 years of tutoring


Toronto, Canada

Waseem K.


University of Toronto

Highly reviewed Math, Accounting, Finance, Audit, Tax Tutor

Its plain and simple, My students love me, I am highly reviewed, I have a great teaching method, I prepare customized lesson plans, and I accommodate my students requests and always make your life easier. I want to offer you tutoring in Math, Accounting and Finance Subjects. Please view list of courses offered. Don’t miss out on this Exclusive Opportunity! Act Now as Offers Pour In and Spots Fill up Fast!

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Subjects: Accounting, Computational Finance, Finance, Finance Management, Finance Modeling, Financial Accounting, Managerial accounting, Math, Maths

15min Free Session
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Miguel's photo

USD $30/hr

2 years of tutoring

Spanish, English, Italian

Bolzano, Italy

Miguel Z.


Universidad Metropolitana, Universita degli studi di Padova

Native Spanish Tutor

Hello! My name is Miguel. I am a chemical engineer, and I recently moved from my home country, Venezuela, to Padova, Italy to study for a master's degree in Circular Economy. I have been tutoring Spanish on Tutor Ocean for roughly a year, and this has given me the perfect tools to help students in this, my native language. My students enjoy their classes, which I personalize and continuously improve according to their requirements. Whether it is that you need Spanish conversation practice, want to prepare for your Spanish exam, need guidance with your homework, or want to learn this fascinating language from scratch, please contact me and I will help you. Also, because of my academic experience, I can help you with topics related to engineering, math, and chemistry, where I have more than 2 years of experience. Nos vemos.

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Subjects: SAT II Spanish, Spanish, Spanish AP

15min Free Session
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