Rachael's cover photo
Rachael's photo

Rachael K.

CAD $0/hr

Hi! It's Rachael from TutorOcean's Customer Success Team

Informations du tuteur

À propos

Do you have questions? Well I have the answers. Hi! I'm Rachael. I am here to help you succeed on TutorOcean whether you are a student looking for tutoring services or a tutor on our platform. If you are a student or parent looking for help or you would like to become a tutor on TutorOcean, let me know and I'll fill you in on the details to get you started right away. My goal is to provide you with the best possible user experience on the platform. I look forward to helping you in any way possible! Best always, Rachael


Ottawa, Canada



Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School


Tremendous Help

Rachael was of great assistance in sorting out a problem I had with setting up my payment account. She even proposed to do a in classroom meeting and use the share screen function to guide me through. Not at all obvious given that she must receive dozens of requests like mine! Thank you so much Rachael!
By: Lavinia

Amazing and Knowledgeable Service

Rachael is always enthusiastic, super prompt in replying to my queries, and cheerfully positive with her knowledge and helpfulness. In addition, Rachael demonstrates a strong sense of commitment and attentiveness, as she kindly and generously guides and assists me with any problems or glitches that occur until they have successfully been resolved. I have been working as a tutor with TutorOcean for over two years. With Rachael I feel great confidence that I, and my students, can always reach out to her and depend on her amazing guidance, knowledge, and support.
By: Michaela

Gives An Amazing Experience to Users

Rachael has been consistently assisting me with great generosity, enthusiasm and kindness for the entirety of the seven months I have been on this platform. Every time I have a request for clarifications, she assists in my request punctually, completely solving whatever confusion I was experiencing. Rachael also does an amazing job making the experience of users enjoyable and making users feel welcome and at home in this community. Rachael tactfully handles requests for technical difficulties with this site, directing me and other users to the correct help. Amongst many other great experiences here, she has been a deciding factor in my continual use of this site, and for this and all the other help she gives, I am incredibly grateful. - Duncan Haywood
By: Duncan

I Appreciate this Woman here.

thank you so much...it was like a refresher course.:) it helped me a lot, honestly.
By: Jurie

User experience

Rachael helped me fix my audio issue that was occurring during sessions. She was a tremendous help!
By: Kiaundra