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Shyann's photo

USD $10/hr

11 years of tutoring


Colorado Springs, United States

Shyann B.

Fort Hays University, Fort Hays University, Colorado College, TEFLHERO, Centennial BOSES

Expert Tutor With Patience, Empathy, and Understanding

I'm Shyann. A Expert Tutor in all subjects. I have two associates degrees. One in Psychology and one in Criminal Justice. I am currently in the last few months of completing my Bachelors in Education. I hold 52+ certifications that are globally and nationally accepted for Education. I have 11 years of teaching and online tutoring experience. I guide personalized lessons to tailor to each individual student's needs and wants. I am patient, and provide empathy and understanding to every student. I love teaching and learning. Let's learn together!

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Subjects: Astronomy, Biology, Business Coach, Career Coach, English as Second Language, Essay Writing, Health and Fitness, Language Arts, Math/Science, Reading Literacy, Social Studies, TEFL, Vocabulary, elementary English, elementary math

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