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CAD $60/hr

8 years of tutoring

English, Japanese

Toronto, Canada

Andy H.


McMaster University

*Experienced Software Engineer Teaching Math & Programming Concepts* (High School - University)

From elementary school to first year university students, I welcome you to experience an engaging and interactive tutoring session with me. I will do my best to give you an active role in the session - small discussions here and there, "try it yourself" practice bouts and full-solution walkthroughs afterwards, as well as visual tools and illustrations to help you "see" the math or programming concept we are discussing. - Experience - I have been part-time tutoring for 8 years through my university's version of Tutorocean (experience teaching McMaster University Engineering Courses) and now on TutorOcean's main platform . I've held over 400 sessions and helped dozens of students. Students have often described sessions as easy to follow and well-explained. - Courses & Topics - - Linear Algebra - Calculus I - Calculus II - Advanced Functions - Introduction to Programming - Discrete Mathematics - Concurrent Programming - Programming in Java and Python - Data Structures and Algorithms

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Subjects: Calculus, Discrete Math, Game Development, Integral Calculus, Java, Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, Object Oriented Programming, Parallel Processing, Pre-Calculus, Python, Vector Calculus

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