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MANUEL's photo

USD $19/hr

20 years of tutoring

Spanish, English, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, French

San Juan, Argentina



Instituto Secundario General Belgrano

Spanish, Haitian Creole Tutor with 20 years of experience

Im from Argentina, living in Chile. I love languages. I teach English as a second language, Spanish, and I also teach Haitian Creole to Spanish and English-speaking students. I'm good at teaching how to interact and get you talking from the first class! I'll help you learn the basics of the Spanish Grammar so you can interact with confidence. The Chilean Spanish is very different from every other Spanish there is. I can teach you this very special dialect that fits into a category of its own, because of being so different from all other dialects from Spanish. I live in Chile, and it's not always easy for Spanish speakers to interact with the chilean dialect, let alone for foreigners. I am sure that my teaching methods are an excellent alternative for those students who are looking for a unique and modern way to learn English. I would love the opportunity to work with you to help you achieve the best results in your Spanish language learning. I hope we can meet in a class soon. Manuel

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Subjects: Haitian, Spanish, Spanish AP

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