Test prep and homework help from private online Statistics tutors

Our online Statistics tutors offer personalized, one-on-one learning to help you improve your grades, build your confidence, and achieve your academic goals.

Top 380 online Statistics tutors

Esther's photo

USD $40/hr

1 year of tutoring


Nairobi, Kenya

Esther W.

Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture and Technology

Enthusiast Data Scientist || R || Statistics Tutor

Hello, my name is Esther and I am a tutor with statistics and R experience. I have a strong background in both mathematics and statistics, and I have been using R for data analysis for several years. I am confident that I can help students with a wide range of statistics and R-related topics, from basic concepts to more advanced techniques. I am patient and supportive, and I understand that learning new material can be challenging. I am happy to answer questions and help students work through problems step-by-step. I also believe that practice is essential to mastery, so I may assign additional problems for students to work on outside of our tutoring sessions. Overall, I am committed to helping students gain a strong understanding of statistics and R so that they can be successful in their courses and future endeavors. If you are interested in working with me, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Subjects: Biostatistics I, Biostatistics II, Data Science, Data Visualization, Math, Probability, Problem Solving, R Programming, Stata, Statistics

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ASHAR's photo

USD $25/hr

15 years of tutoring

English, Urdu

Lahore, Pakistan





Hello! I am a University Level STATISTICS / R studio / SPSS /STATA / BUSINESS STATISTICS AND AP STATISTICS TUTOR who can teach all topics of statistics at all levels. I am having vast experience in teaching statistics on different online platforms. I am an expert in R studio from which you can perform an analysis of your research project/ thesis. If you need any help related to any topic of statistics feel free to schedule your first lesson with me I will be looking forward to you!

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Subjects: AP Statistics, Actuarial Science, Biostatistics I, Biostatistics II, Business Analysis, Computational statistics, Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Econometrics, R Programming, Stata, Statistical Mechanics, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Statistics

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Juliet's photo

CAD $30/hr

15 years of tutoring

English, French

Gatineau, Canada

Juliet H.


University of Ottawa

Experienced editor and tutor in economics, mathematics and statistics

I have edited for eight years for university students. I have edited and revised a doctoral dissertation in education, five Master's major papers in economics and numerous undergraduate papers in English literature and history. I have a knowledge of Word and Google Docs. I have tutored for fifteen years at the university level, both online and in-person, in each of mathematics, economics and statistics. I hold a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Ottawa with a strong mathematics and econometrics component and did my doctoral coursework in micro and macroeconomic theory at the University of Montreal. Below you will find courses which I was a teaching assistant for at the University of Ottawa during my Master's degree. The course in calculus I was a teaching assistant in for three years. My personal interests include classical music, jazz, art and endurance swimming. I do volunteer work for the National Gallery of Canada, Chamberfest and Jazzfest.

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Subjects: Calculus, Dissertation, Econometrics, Economics, Editing, English Literature, Essay Writing, European History, History, Linear Algebra, Macroeconomics, Math, Microeconomics, Multivariable Calculus, Statistics

15min Free Session
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Parvesh's photo

USD $50/hr

13 years of tutoring

English, Hindi

Bathinda, India

Parvesh K.


DAV college, Jalandhar, Guru Nanak Dev University

Mathematics and Statistics tutor with 12+ year of teaching and tutoring experience

I am an experienced mathematics and statistics tutor with 10 years of experience teaching students and working professionals. I love teaching students who are passionate about learning subjects or who want to understand any mathematics or statistics concept at the graduate or master’s level. I have worked with thousands of students in my teaching career. I have helped students deal with difficult topics and subjects like calculus, algebra, discrete mathematics, complex analysis, graph theory, hypothesis testing, probability, statistical inference, and more. After learning from me, students have found mathematics and statistics not dull but fun subjects. I can handle almost all of the curriculum in mathematics. I did B.Sc (mathematics), M.Sc (mathematics), M.Tech (IT) and am also Gate (CS) qualified. I have worked in various colleges and schools and also provided online tutoring to American and Canadian students. I look forward to discussing this with you and making learning meaningful and purposeful. I can teach UBC Math 110, UBC Math 100, UBC Math 100C,UBC Math 101A,UBC Math 101B, UBC Math 101C,UBC Math 180, UBC Math 184, UBC Math 104, UBC Math 102, UBC Math 105, UBC Math 103, UBC Math 200, UBC Math 253, UBC Math 221, UBC Math 215; UBC Math 255; UBC Math 256; and UBC Stat 200. TRU Math 1141, TRU Math 1241, TRU Math 1171, Langara Math 1174, Langara Math 1274, Langara Math 1171, Langara Math 1271, SFU Math 150, SFU Math 151, SFU Math 152, SFU Math 155, SFU Math 157, SFU Math 158, SFU Math 251, SFU Math 310, SFU Math 260, UBC Math 101, UBC Math 105, UBC Math 103, UBC Math 116, UBC Math 225, UBC Math 142, VCC Math 1100, VCC Math 1200 STAT 1200,1201,2000.Ottawa MAT 1300, 1308, 1318, 1320, 1322, 1330, 1339; Corpus Christi College Math 105, 110, 111. McMaster Math 1A03; 1AA3; 1MM3; 1M03; 1ZA3; 1ZB3; 1AA3; UVIC Math 100; 101; 102; 109; 200. AP Calculus AB/BC Athabasca University (AU) Math 260, 265, 266; 270, 271; 365, 376.

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Subjects: AP Calculus AB/BC, AP Statistics, Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Calculus, Discrete Math, Linear Algebra, Math/Science, Multivariable Calculus, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Pre-Calculus, Probability, Statistics, Trigonometry

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Joseph veckery songa's photo

USD $15/hr

7 years of tutoring


Nairobi, Kenya

Joseph veckery songa A.

Jomokenyatta university of agriculture and technology

Experienced Business Economics and Statistics Tutor with excellent presentation skills, proficient in Microsoft Excel and Master in Business Commerce

• Guiding students in developing and writing research proposals. • Teaching Grading and supervising students continues assessments and exams. • Guiding students in research analysis and publications. • Guide and empower students in their academics. • Departmental assignment-student enrollment student disciplinary, student outreach student games, student attachment and placements. offering remedial assistance /help to students in their class assignment and homework

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Subjects: AP Macroeconomics, Bookkeeping, Business Analysis, Data Analysis, Data Science, Econometrics, Economics, International Macroeconomics/International Finance, Macroeconomics, Managerial accounting, Maths, Microeconomics, Quantitative Methods, Statistics

15min Free Session
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Success stories

Revolutionizing education with the power of online tutoring

“Akshay is an exceptional Pre-calculus tutor for university-level students. He has a great way of explaining complex concepts and ensures that his students understand them. He is always ready to provide additional explanations if needed. I highly recommend him and look forward to booking him again.”Sasha

Best online tutor
Akshay J.
View profile

“Richard is an exceptional tutor who has the ability to explain complex concepts in a simplistic way. His step-by-step instructions help to build confidence and understand the material better. Furthermore, he provides numerous tips and resources to facilitate success.”Jessica

Best online tutor

“I had a session on Linear Algebra, and it was very helpful. Mirjana was excellent in explaining matrices, and I could understand the concepts quite well. I would definitely request her assistance again.”Lateefah

Best online tutor
Mirjana M.
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“Students struggling in math should seek help from Reza. He is patient, composed, and adept at explaining complex concepts in a clear and understandable way. He is also very generous with his time and willing to assist students on short notice.”Rajasiva

Best online tutor

“Sierra provided me with an exceptional tutoring session in chemistry. She was patient and made sure that I fully comprehended every concept. I am grateful for her assistance.”Erin

Best online tutor
Sierra P.
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“Michael did an excellent job in assisting me to comprehend various types of isomers. His tips and tricks were beneficial in resolving challenging problems.”Jada

Best online tutor
Michael A.
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“I have found Anisha to be an exceptionally patient tutor who provides clear explanations that have helped me to comprehend various topics. I would strongly recommend her to anyone who needs assistance.”Sam

Best online tutor
Michael A.
View profile

“I received invaluable assistance from Patrick in terms of the direction for my papers. Collaborating with him was a comfortable experience, and it made the writing process much more manageable.”Stephanie

Best online tutor
Patrick P.
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“Elena's assistance was invaluable to me during my college essay revision session on Greek Mythology for the Humanities subject. She provided positive and helpful feedback and demonstrated expertise in several areas, which she explained very nicely.”Abigail

Best online tutor
Elena M.
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Frequently asked questions

Statistics help

Topics, levels and curriculums

Statistics is a subject with depth and diversity, hence our online tutors can provide you with support on a variety of Statistics topics and levels, such as:
- Applications of Integration
- Continuous Functions
- Differential Statistics
- Logarithm and Exponential Function
- Trigonometric Functions
- and more!
Generally, there are three competency levels for students: beginner, intermediate and advanced. These are closely related to a student's academic level, hence it should be discussed with the tutor.
Tutors can also help with various school curriculums as many of them are retired teachers or have been helping students with their past and upcoming programs.

Common Statistics questions

- A certain family has 6 children, consisting of 3 boys and 3 girls. Assuming that all birth orders are equally likely, what is the probability that the 3 eldest children are the 3 girls?
- A college has 10 (non-overlapping) time slots for its courses, and blithely assigns courses to time slots randomly and independently. A student randomly chooses 3 of the courses to enroll in (for the PTP, to avoid getting fined). What is the probability that there is a conflict in the student’s schedule?
- A city with 6 districts has 6 robberies in a particular week. Assume the robberies are located randomly, with all possibilities for which robbery occurred where equally likely. What is the probability that some district had more than 1 robbery?
- A jar contains r red balls and g green balls, where r and g are fixed positive integers. A ball is drawn from the jar randomly (with all possibilities equally likely), and then a second ball is drawn randomly.
- Explain intuitively why the probability of the second ball being green is the same as the probability of the first ball being green.
- Define notation for the sample space of the problem, and use this to compute the probabilities from (a) and show that they are the same.
- Suppose that there are 16 balls in total, and that the probability that the two balls are the same color is the same as the probability that they are different colors. What are r and g (list all possibilities)?