4 hours | 4 hours | 5 hours | 3 hours |
$120 As a tutor, I am available to help you in areas where you're struggling understanding concepts .You can book1hr, 2hrs ,3hrs max of 4hrs sessions per week | $120 As a tutor, I am available to help you in areas where you're struggling and provide guidance and understanding of concept. Booking 36hrs | $150 As a tutor, I am available to help you prepare for exams , revision of course work before final exams . Booking 36hr | $90 Don't fail don't panic I am available to guide you in areas where you're struggling to understand concepts. Twice a week. Booking is 36hrs before session |
Economics courses
As a tutor, I am available to help you in areas where you're struggling understanding concepts .You can book1hr, 2hrs ,3hrs max of 4hrs sessions per week
Bookkeeping & Accounting courses
As a tutor, I am available to help you in areas where you're struggling and provide guidance and understanding of concept. Booking 36hrs
Exams preparation & revision (check subjects)
As a tutor, I am available to help you prepare for exams , revision of course work before final exams . Booking 36hr
Business statistics & Payroll fundamentals
Don't fail don't panic I am available to guide you in areas where you're struggling to understand concepts. Twice a week. Booking is 36hrs before session