University of Lethbridge
May 2020 - presentResearch Assistant
Transcribe and analyze Metis oral histories.
Fort Whoop-up Interpretive Centre
May 2019 - September 2019Historical Interpretor
Led tours and told stories about the people who used to live and work in Fort Whoop-up.
Fort Whoop-up Interpretive Centre
May 2018 - September 2018Historical Interpretor
Told stories about the people who lived ant the Fort or were influenced by it. Also led tours.
Frank Slide Interpretive Centre
May 2017 - September 2017Historical Interpretor
Led tours and told stories about the development of the Crowsnest Pass and the tradgedies of Turtle Mountain and Hillcrest Mine.
Fort George and Buckingham House Provincial Historic Site
May 2016 - September 2016Historical interpretor
Led tours and told stories about the North Saskatchewan Fur trade.