April 2022 - September 2022Fullstack Web Developer
I was responsible for designing and testing components of the
company’s website and product, utilizing React for the front-end,
Java for the backend, and SQL for data management. The team
used Git to manage code and versions. Some of the key tasks I
performed include:
• I designed the website’s brochure page, including the
interactive graphs created using ChartJS which is created
using data from a Java backend.
• Created test suites using Cypress to account for major
edge cases in the front-end design of the company
website and the product.
• I designed a portion of the backend that handled chart
data, working with a more experienced team member to
ensure modularity and security of my code.
April 2020 - May 2022Freelance Programmer
I built small websites, programs and scripts to automate a range of
tasks including directory management, web automation and
trading automation. I worked with a variety of clients from different
parts of the world and delivered secure tools. Some of my works
• I designed a web application using ReactJS to control and
manage smart lamps that were built using LED arrays and
an IC LED driver.
• I developed a Binance trading bot with a C++ GUI. The
bot automates trading actions on the Binance
cryptocurrency exchange, providing the client with a
streamlined and efficient way to manage their trades.