1 hours | 1 hours | 1 hours | 1 hours |
$50 MOVE BEYOND BASICS -- learn the skills to unlock your potential with words. Topics: The Sentence. The Essay. Literary Analysis. Critical Thinking & more! | $50 BRING YOUR POETRY QUESTIONS, quandaries, queries. Learn how to read and effectively write about all things POETRY. | $50 ASYNCHRONOUS ESSAY FEEDBACK -- send your draft and receive my questions and comments *within 48 hours*. Contact for more information. | $45 6 SESSIONS (per four month semester) -- any combination of session types. |
Regular Session
MOVE BEYOND BASICS -- learn the skills to unlock your potential with words. Topics: The Sentence. The Essay. Literary Analysis. Critical Thinking & more!
Unlocking Poetry
BRING YOUR POETRY QUESTIONS, quandaries, queries. Learn how to read and effectively write about all things POETRY.
** Asynchronous Essay Feedback **
ASYNCHRONOUS ESSAY FEEDBACK -- send your draft and receive my questions and comments *within 48 hours*. Contact for more information.
Semester Plan ($5 off per session)
6 SESSIONS (per four month semester) -- any combination of session types.