Our online Statistics tutors offer personalized, one-on-one learning to help you improve your grades, build your confidence, and achieve your academic goals.
Top 400 online Statistics tutors
10 years of tutoring
English, Spanish
Nhà Bè, Vietnam
USD $30/hr
10 years of tutoring
English, Spanish
Nhà Bè, Vietnam
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
I am a fully certified and licensed math teacher specializing in statistics tutoring. I have taught and/or tutored in three different countries with experience in middle and high school as well as college.
read moreSubjects: ACT Math, AP Statistics, Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Pre-Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Probability, Statistics
3 years of tutoring
English, Chinese
Toronto, Canada
CAD $35/hr
3 years of tutoring
English, Chinese
Toronto, Canada
University of Toronto
I offer comprehensive statistics lessons in topics such as descriptive statistics, probability, inferential statistics, regression analysis, and advanced statistical methods. I am proficient in statistical software including R, Python, SAS, and Excel, enabling me to teach data manipulation, analysis, and visualization techniques effectively.
read moreSubjects: AP Statistics, Biostatistics I, Biostatistics II, Statistics
6 years of tutoring
Urdu, English
Lahore, Pakistan
USD $7/hr
6 years of tutoring
Urdu, English
Lahore, Pakistan
University of education township lahore Pakistan
I am a dedicated and certified Mathematics and Statistics tutor with over 6 years of teaching experience. I specialize in simplifying complex math and statistics concepts to foster student understanding and success. Currently, I am a lecturer at Concordia College Walton and Superior College Pak Arab, where I teach subjects such as Calculus, Business Math, and Statistics. I am passionate about education, helping students achieve academic excellence, and I hold a Master's degree in Mathematics. Additionally, I am certified in Data Science, equipping me with valuable analytical skills.
read moreSubjects: AP Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Data Analysis, Data Science, Discrete Math, Elementary Math, English as a Second Language (ESL), Hindi, IB Mathematics, Machine Learning, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Microsoft Excel, Statistics, Urdu
3 years of tutoring
Nairobi, Kenya
USD $15/hr
3 years of tutoring
Nairobi, Kenya
Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture and Technology, WorldQuant University
Hello, my name is Esther! As an accomplished biostatistician and statistical analyst, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to my role as a tutor. My background includes a graduate degree in biostatistics, coupled with extensive hands-on experience in statistical analysis using R, Python, excel, SPSS, and Jamovi. This diverse skill set enables me to offer comprehensive support to students and professionals alike, guiding them through the intricacies of data analysis and statistical modeling. My approach to tutoring is rooted in a strong foundation of practical knowledge and a commitment to clarity in teaching. I focus on empowering learners to develop a deep understanding of statistical concepts, from basic descriptive statistics to advanced modeling techniques. By leveraging my expertise, I help students grasp complex ideas and apply them effectively to real-world problems, ensuring they build both confidence and competence in their analytical skills. In addition to my technical proficiency, I am dedicated to fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment. Whether through one-on-one sessions or group workshops, I tailor my teaching methods to meet individual needs, providing personalized guidance and feedback. My goal is to equip students with the tools and knowledge they need to excel in their studies and professional endeavors, making a positive impact in the field of statistics and data analysis. Book a lesson with me today to start transforming your statistical skills and achieving your goals.
read moreSubjects: Data Science, Data Visualization, Econometrics, Epidemiology, Essay Writing, Microsoft Excel, MySQL, Probability, Python, R Programming, Reporting, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Statistics
5 years of tutoring
Hindi, English
Prayagraj, India
USD $20/hr
5 years of tutoring
Hindi, English
Prayagraj, India
I am currently doing Ph.D. in the Mathematical Statistics and it's applications in biostatistics and many allied areas. I love both teaching as well as research . Bayesian inference , Classical inference , Multivariate and High dimensional data are mine specialized areas. I have a very good experience to teach basics as well as advances of statistics . I love to spread this knowledge.
read moreSubjects: AP Statistics, Biostatistics I, Biostatistics II, Hindi, Probability, Statistics
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Our online tutors offer personalized, one-on-one learning to help you improve your grades, build your confidence, and achieve your academic goals.
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Success stories
“Akshay is an exceptional Pre-calculus tutor for university-level students. He has a great way of explaining complex concepts and ensures that his students understand them. He is always ready to provide additional explanations if needed. I highly recommend him and look forward to booking him again.” — Sasha
“Richard is an exceptional tutor who has the ability to explain complex concepts in a simplistic way. His step-by-step instructions help to build confidence and understand the material better. Furthermore, he provides numerous tips and resources to facilitate success.” — Jessica
“I had a session on Linear Algebra, and it was very helpful. Mirjana was excellent in explaining matrices, and I could understand the concepts quite well. I would definitely request her assistance again.” — Lateefah
“Students struggling in math should seek help from Reza. He is patient, composed, and adept at explaining complex concepts in a clear and understandable way. He is also very generous with his time and willing to assist students on short notice.” — Rajasiva
“Sierra provided me with an exceptional tutoring session in chemistry. She was patient and made sure that I fully comprehended every concept. I am grateful for her assistance.” — Erin
“Michael did an excellent job in assisting me to comprehend various types of isomers. His tips and tricks were beneficial in resolving challenging problems.” — Jada
“I have found Anisha to be an exceptionally patient tutor who provides clear explanations that have helped me to comprehend various topics. I would strongly recommend her to anyone who needs assistance.” — Sam
“I received invaluable assistance from Patrick in terms of the direction for my papers. Collaborating with him was a comfortable experience, and it made the writing process much more manageable.” — Stephanie
“Elena's assistance was invaluable to me during my college essay revision session on Greek Mythology for the Humanities subject. She provided positive and helpful feedback and demonstrated expertise in several areas, which she explained very nicely.” — Abigail