Test prep and homework help from private online Algebra 1 tutors

Our online Algebra 1 tutors offer personalized, one-on-one learning to help you improve your grades, build your confidence, and achieve your academic goals.

Top 340 online Algebra 1 tutors

Kanwal's photo

USD $15/hr

5 years of tutoring

English, Urdu

Islamabad, Pakistan

Kanwal W.


NUML, Islamabad Pakistan, Punjab University , Lahore Pakistan, NUML, Islamabad Pakistan

Mathematical mastery for comprehensive understanding and effective instruction

I am professional mathematics and statistics teacher. Moreover, I have a master's of Philosophy in education, so I can teach philosophy research, curriculum development, and teaching methodologies. I have been in the teaching field since 2017. I have done many courses to update my knowledge from different institutions. Algebraic Methods, Graphs, Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Sets, Probability, and Applied Mathematics Methods are the main areas of my teaching. I am a friendly teacher and teach with examples from daily life. I believe in an interactive class where the student is the main focus. I adapt myself according to the topic and use different interesting activities in my lessons by referring to videos, quizzes, live worksheets, and many more platforms that are available for the support of good understanding

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Subjects: Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Elementary Math, IB Mathematics, IGCSE, Intermediate Algebra, Maths, Philosophy, Pre-Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry, Urdu

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Dhanalakshmi's photo

USD $30/hr

30 years of tutoring

English, Tamil

Chennai, India

Dhanalakshmi N.




ABOUT MY EDUCATION: From the days of schooling i was very much interested in maths. I did my graduation in the most reputed college in chennai . ' STELLA MARIS' . I did my preuniversity course with MPC , (maths, physics, chemistry) and secured an overall percentage of 95.5. (200\200 in maths) That score was good enough to get an engineering seat in Anna University, but i opted for major maths in stella maris , due to my passion for maths. so i did my BSC ( MATHS) in the same college with PHYSICS and STATISTICS as my ancillaries. I came out with a distinction in my graduation. After a stint of few years i enrolled for MSC ( maths ) to enhance my knowledge. By that time i had started my carrier as a tutor teaching CBSE, ICSE, and AIEEE( IIT entrance) MY METHOD: I don't believe in working only from one book. Even though i am open to teach from the students book or material, i also give them work from different books i have. I first make the fundamentals strong, teach the concepts, and give them problem from different books. This method helps very much for the student to gain confidence and face the exam without the fear of an unseen problem. TOOLS: I have a PEN TABLET and DIGITAL PEN. I write on the whiteboard and share the screen with the student so that the student can view live, what i am writing. The student can also write on the whiteboard. Currently I am tutoring students in 8 countries across the globe. The syllabi I am handling are PRECALCULUS, AP CALCULUS ( both AB and BC ), CALCULUS 1, 2, 3 FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS,ALGEBRA 1 and 2, IB , IGCSE, PURE MATHS, SAT and also MATHS for UNDERGRAD STUDENTS Iam willing to teach INFINITE SERIES and APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERERNTIATION AND INTEGRATION also

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Subjects: A-Levels, AP Calculus AB/BC, Algebra, Applied Mathematics, Calculus, College Algebra, Data Science, Differential Equations, IGCSE, Integral Calculus, Maths, Multivariable Calculus, Optimization / Mathematical Programming, Pre-Calculus, SAT Mathematics

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Vinay's photo

USD $20/hr

12 years of tutoring


Deoli, India

Vinay S.


Lakshmi Narain College of Technology

Professional Mathematics tutor with 12+ years of international experience/AP Calculus AB and BC/GCSE/Calculus I and II/Algebra/Trigonometry/Geometry/Pre-Calculus

Welcome to my profile! 😊 I'm an engineering graduate with tons of experience in online tutoring worldwide. 🌍 I've had the pleasure of delivering thousands of successful lessons. With 12 years of experience in tutoring students from diverse backgrounds, I have developed a deep understanding of various math subjects, including algebra, geometry, calculus, trigonometry, and more. My goal is to make math enjoyable and accessible by breaking down complex concepts into simpler, relatable terms. 🎯 I believe that anyone can succeed in math with the right guidance, patience, and practice. 😊✨ As an online tutor, I utilize the latest technological tools and interactive resources to create an engaging learning environment. 🖥️Through clear explanations, step-by-step problem-solving strategies, and interactive exercises, I empower my students to build a strong foundation and develop critical thinking skills. 📚🧩 I am committed to providing a supportive and encouraging learning experience. I believe in fostering a positive and open-minded atmosphere where students feel comfortable asking questions, exploring concepts, and making mistakes. I am patient, flexible, and adaptable to different learning styles, ensuring that each session is tailored to suit your unique strengths and weaknesses. 🤗💪 Whether you need help with homework assignments, exam preparation, or simply want to deepen your understanding of math, I am here to guide you on your mathematical journey. Let's work together to boost your confidence, improve your grades, and unlock your full potential in math! 🚀📈🔢 Contact me today to schedule a session, and let's embark on an exciting mathematical adventure together. 😄🎉

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Subjects: AP Calculus AB/BC, Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Calculus, Elementary Math, Geometry, Math/Science, Maths, Pre-Algebra, Pre-Calculus, SAT II Mathematics Level 1, SAT II Mathematics Level 2, SAT Mathematics, Trigonometry

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Jason's photo

USD $30/hr

10 years of tutoring

English, Spanish

Nhà Bè, Vietnam

Jason C.


University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Specializing in Statistics

I am a fully certified and licensed math teacher specializing in statistics tutoring. I have taught and/or tutored in three different countries with experience in middle and high school as well as college.

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Subjects: ACT Math, AP Statistics, Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Pre-Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Probability, Statistics

15min Free Session
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Lance's photo

USD $20/hr

16 years of tutoring


Spanish Fort, United States

Lance T.

University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Alabama

Taught high school for over 15 years. All subjects from Algebra 1 to Calculus

I have taught in three different states and have all taught all subjects that are offered in high school. Currently I am teaching AP Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Geometry, and Algebra 1.

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Subjects: AP Calculus AB/BC, Algebra, Geometry, Pre-Algebra, Pre-Calculus

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Success stories

Revolutionizing education with the power of online tutoring

“Akshay is an exceptional Pre-calculus tutor for university-level students. He has a great way of explaining complex concepts and ensures that his students understand them. He is always ready to provide additional explanations if needed. I highly recommend him and look forward to booking him again.”Sasha

Best online tutor
Akshay J.
View profile

“Richard is an exceptional tutor who has the ability to explain complex concepts in a simplistic way. His step-by-step instructions help to build confidence and understand the material better. Furthermore, he provides numerous tips and resources to facilitate success.”Jessica

Best online tutor

“I had a session on Linear Algebra, and it was very helpful. Mirjana was excellent in explaining matrices, and I could understand the concepts quite well. I would definitely request her assistance again.”Lateefah

Best online tutor
Mirjana M.
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“Students struggling in math should seek help from Reza. He is patient, composed, and adept at explaining complex concepts in a clear and understandable way. He is also very generous with his time and willing to assist students on short notice.”Rajasiva

Best online tutor

“Sierra provided me with an exceptional tutoring session in chemistry. She was patient and made sure that I fully comprehended every concept. I am grateful for her assistance.”Erin

Best online tutor
Sierra P.
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“Michael did an excellent job in assisting me to comprehend various types of isomers. His tips and tricks were beneficial in resolving challenging problems.”Jada

Best online tutor
Michael A.
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“I have found Anisha to be an exceptionally patient tutor who provides clear explanations that have helped me to comprehend various topics. I would strongly recommend her to anyone who needs assistance.”Sam

Best online tutor
Michael A.
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“I received invaluable assistance from Patrick in terms of the direction for my papers. Collaborating with him was a comfortable experience, and it made the writing process much more manageable.”Stephanie

Best online tutor
Patrick P.
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“Elena's assistance was invaluable to me during my college essay revision session on Greek Mythology for the Humanities subject. She provided positive and helpful feedback and demonstrated expertise in several areas, which she explained very nicely.”Abigail

Best online tutor
Elena M.
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