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Maria Jessica's photo

USD $10/hr

1 an de tutorat


Lucena, Philippines

Maria Jessica R.


TEFL Certified. In 2years now, teaching is my passion and I do love teaching kids/junior in different culture like Japanese students, Chinese students, and Korean students.

👩‍🏫 This is Teacher Jessy, 📚 learning English is very important for us to make it easy to talk to other people and for good international communication 💯🗣 . It could also help to catch an eye 👀 for socializing and entertainment as well as work. 💻🎬 ✨️See you in my class 😍👏👏🫶

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Sujets: A-Levels, Computer Graphics, English as a Second Language (ESL), Entrepreneurship, Information Technology, Photoshop, Writing, elementary English, listening, reading, spelling

Session gratuite de 15 minutes
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Kacee's photo

USD $12/hr

3 ans de tutorat

Filipino, English

Lianga, Philippines

Kacee L.

AMA University

Academic Writer and Language Arts tutor

I am Kacee Lee. I am 21years old, a winning essay writer for four years. i attended writing contests 4 times a year and writes different forms of academic writing. It was a privilege to win several writing contests as first placer, even representing our province. But I am not just a writer, I am also a teacher. I teach some students how to write professionally, how to strike the pen with winning sentences. Since 2021, I am a tutor to homeschooled students at Florida Virtual School about Academic Writing.. I also spent 3 months teaching a korean student in English Proficiency. I earned certificate in TESOL and took and English Proficiency test bearing C2 Advanced. I am willing to share and to teach students all the wonderful experience I have as a writer. There are hidden techniques in writing. It is very complex and I can simplify and spill it out for them. I am determined to give my best for I want to empower writers. May I be given this privilege I loved the most, teaching how to become a winning writer.

en savoir plus

Sujets: Creative Writing, English Language Arts, English Literature, English as a Second Language (ESL), Essay Writing, Writing, elementary English

Session gratuite de 15 minutes
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Ryan's photo

CAD $35/hr

6 ans de tutorat

English, Korean, Spanish

Toronto, Canada

Ryan W.

University of Illinois

英语 영어 Learn English with an experienced ESL tutor, kids or adults

Who I am: I am a native English speaker from the USA and an experienced ESL teacher with a degree in Linguistics and a Minor in Teaching English as a Second Language from the University of Illinois. I taught English to school kids in South Korea for 3 years, and I also have 3 years experience tutoring both kids and adults here in North America. In addition to English, I can speak both Korean and Spanish as 2nd languages. What I offer: With your goals in mind, we will develop the skills you need most, be it conversation skills, reading, listening, writing, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar or anything else. Whether you need help to pass an exam, write an essay, prep for a job interview or just brush up on your conversation skills so you can make new friends here in Canada, I am available to help. I am very flexible about scheduling, so we can do almost any time or day of the week you need. Weekdays or weekends, and any time from morning to late nigh is fine. - 저는 Ryan이고 경험있는 영어 선생님 입니다. 저는 일리노이 대학교에서 언어학을 전공했고, 영어 교육을 부전공했습니다. 한국에서 3년 동안 영어를 가르쳤습니다. 북아메리카에서도 거의 3년동안 한국에서 온 유학생을 튜터링 해 본 적이 있습니다. 중급 수준에서 한국어와 스페인어를 제2외국어로 말할 수 있습니다. 우리는 대화 기술, 읽기, 듣기, 쓰기, 발음, 어휘, 문법 등 귀하에게 가장 필요한 기술을 개발할 것입니다. 시험 합격, 에세이 작성, 취업 면접 준비 또는 캐나다에서 새로운 친구를 사귀기 위한 대화 능력 향상에 도움이 필요한 경우, 저는 도와드릴 수 있습니다. 매우 유연하게 조정할 수 있으므로, 아무 요일, 거의 아무 시간에 언제든지 만날 수 있습니다. 주중이든 주말이든 아침부터 늦은 밤까지 언제든지 괜찮습니다. 카톡으로 연락하세요. 카톡아이디: - 我的名字是Ryan,我毕业于伊利诺伊大学语言学系,辅修英语教学。我有着丰富的英语教学经验,并在韩国教过两年半英语。我会讲三种语言:母语英语,第二语言韩语和西班牙语。 我会帮助你精进你的英语能力,包含且不限于听说读写,发音,词汇量或语法 -- 为你量身定制。无论你的需求:通过英语考试,写英语论文,准备英文面试,或加强英语交流能力,我都可以为你提供帮助。 我的时间很灵活,无论工作日或是周末,早上或夜晚,我会为你安排时间。

en savoir plus

Sujets: ESL, English, English Language Arts, English as Second Language, English as a Second Language (ESL), Essay Writing, TESL

Session gratuite de 15 minutes
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