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CAD $25/hr

2 ans de tutorat


Ottawa, Canada

Mackenzie B.

McMaster University, McMaster University

MA Student Tutor with Expertise in Essay Writing and Reading Comprehension

Hello! My name is Mackenzie, I am 24 and have a Master's degree in Philosophy from McMaster University. I have two years of experience tutoring at the university level, and have completed courses in a wide array of subjects in the Humanities and Social Sciences, including History, English, Psychology, Sociology and Political Science, Law and Legal Theory, Formal Logic and Critical Thinking, Classics (Greek and Roman history and literature), Communications, Research Methods, and Philosophy. I have a strong academic background, graduating from my BA on the Dean's Honours List with a GPA of 11.6 (12 point scale), and receiving several scholarships and research grants. To list some: In 2020, I was awarded McMaster's Undergraduate Student Research Award. Upon entering my Master's program, in 2021, I was awarded the Harry Lymann Hooker Fellowship. Most recently, I was awarded the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada's CGS-M research scholarship. My expertise is in Philosophy, which means I have thoroughly developed research, argumentation, reading comprehension and writing skills. With these skills, I can help you improve upon your own reading, writing, and comprehension. I can help you draft essay outlines, craft strong arguments, and employ and improve upon your critical thinking skills. I can help you edit and review your own writing with a critical eye to ensure your writing is as strong as it can be. I can also guide you through the close reading process, helping you to break down the content of a text and understand its meaning and structure. These are skills which are necessary to succeed in all manner of subjects, and are the foundations of academic success. My experience with a wide array of courses and fields will allow me to guide you in applying these skills in the ways which are most appropriate to a given subject. Whether you struggle to understand difficult texts or with writing persuasive papers, I am here to help!

en savoir plus

Sujets: Communications, Critical Thinking, English, Essay Writing, Exam & Study Mentoring, Government, History, Law, Logic, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Research Methods, Written and Verbal communications, research papers

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