Test prep and homework help from private online Mathematics tutors

Our online Mathematics tutors offer personalized, one-on-one learning to help you improve your grades, build your confidence, and achieve your academic goals.

Top 1005 online Mathematics tutors

Muhammad's photo

USD $15/hr

4 years of tutoring

English Urdu

Fatehpur, Pakistan

Muhammad A.



Physics and Mathematics tutor

Hi!! Here Asif Atta having Master of philosophy in Physics and Mathematics from the top ranked university of the world. I am expert in every branch of Physics and Mathematics upto expert level. I can teach Physics basic to advance level. My aim is to help the students who face any kind of problem in Physics. I will give you Sessions via following; Laptop Digital Whiteboard Digital Pen Zoom App or according to students platform I'll perform your work with 100% accuracy. Get in touch today to experience my best learning session. Thank You-:)

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Subjects: AP Physics, Advanced Physics (Special Relativity), Applied Mathematics, Astrophysics, Computational Physics, Maths, Nuclear Physics, Physics, Physics (Electricity and Magnetism), Physics (Fluid Mechanics), Physics (Heat Transfer), Physics (Newtonian Mechanics), Physics (Thermodynamics), Physics (Waves and Optics), SAT Mathematics

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Daniel Keith's photo

USD $15/hr


Genova, Italy

Daniel Keith B.


University of Durham, University of Durham

General physics and mathematics tutoring from a real researcher

I have a doctorate from the University of Durham in the UK in string theory. Since obtaining my PhD I have worked around the world as a postdoctoral researcher where I have tutored, mentored and taught students from all walks of life and at various levels of education. I have experience in various areas of physics and mathematics including but not limited to: condensed matter, relativity, quantum field theory, string theory, algebra, differential geometry and complex analysis. My teaching methodology focuses on the individual and finding the best way for them to grasp a subject. Physics and mathematics are important subjects to study as they provide us with several important skills that can enhance career prospects. What I intend for people to learn from me are: 1. the confidence to present and defend your results and importantly to be critiqued, 2. an intuitive understanding of the material with the ability to fill out that gut feeling into a logical argument with precise English, 3. a solid toolkit of techniques to tackle unusual problems, 4. and a lack of fear when faced with a novel situation, in particular, to free form and assess ideas for solving problems before tackling them. I promise that I will help you develop these skills with kindness and plenty of support (ok, and maybe a touch of humor).

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Subjects: Advanced Physics (Special Relativity), Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics, Physics (Electricity and Magnetism), Physics (Fluid Mechanics), Physics (Newtonian Mechanics), Physics (Thermodynamics)

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Rimsha's photo

USD $5/hr

4 years of tutoring

English, Urdu, Hindi

Faisalabad, Pakistan

Rimsha H.

University of Central Punjab, Government College University Faisalabad

Certified and Professional Mathematics Tutor with 4 years of experience

I am Rimsha Hassan.. an expert of Mathematics. I have done postgraduate in Mathematics from Government College University Faisalabad. I am always ready to face challenges. My areas of expertise : # Elementary Study # High School Mathematics # Algebra # Pre-calculus # Latex Software # Discrete Mathematics # Graph Theory # C++ # Linear Algebra My method of instruction differs for each individual student. I invariably commence my lectures by soliciting fundamental inquiries pertaining to the subject matter in order to assess the students' comprehension and encourage greater focus. In order to streamline processes, I prefer to break down duties into smaller sections. I begin with fundamental concepts and progress gradually to the subject matter. My classrooms are enjoyable and student-centered. Students have the opportunity to inquire about any concerns or seek clarification during the entirety of the lecture session. Following the lecture, I requested the students to provide a concise summary of their acquired knowledge or alternatively emphasize a particular procedural aspect of the solution. In addition, I administer tests and quizzes to evaluate the performance of my students. Upon the conclusion of each lesson, supplementary materials such as notes, additional study resources, and practice questions are furnished. I design instructional strategies and assignments tailored to accommodate the specific requirements of my pupils. I am an enthusiastic and diligent educator. I am capable of providing support in completing tasks and preparing for examinations. I am interested in assisting you in developing a sense of self-assurance in your mathematical abilities. Please arrange a session with me for the purpose of discussing your objectives and exploring ways in which I might assist you in attaining them. I derive great pleasure from engaging with individuals I have not yet encountered, and I would be delighted to extend you a warm welcome.

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Subjects: Abstract Algebra, Algebra, Applied Mathematics, Calculus, College Algebra, Complex analysis, Differential Equations, Discrete Math, English, Intermediate Algebra, Linear Algebra, Pre-Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Set Theory, elementary English

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Muhammad's photo

USD $5/hr

10 years of tutoring

Urdu, Punjabi, English

Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan

Muhammad M.

Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan

Certified Math Expert with 10 years of experience.

Hello, my name is Moeen. I love teaching and enjoy reading books too. I can speak English, Urdu and Punjabi languages. I got my teaching certificate in 2012 and started teaching from that time. I hold a master degree in mathematics and now enrolled in MS mathematics in which my specialization field is Functional Analysis. I am experienced in assisting students for their regular classwork, homework, school exams and university entrance exams. I am teaching Basic Maths, Algebra, Calculus1, Calculus2, Calculus3, Derivatives, Integration, Geometry, Trigonometry and other mathematical topics. Students can learn easily if they can interact with teachers without any hesitation and ask their queries, that is why I always make sure to make my class student- centred and student- friendly where they feel confident to raise their questions and share their opinions on the given topic. Math is all about practice. In my lessons I try to make students practice questions so they can understand the topic much better. My lessons are fully prepared according to students need and preferences. So students! If you want to learn amazing tricks and techniques to solve complex Math problems and also to get highest grades, book a trial lesson and we solve the equation of success together. Hope to see you in my class.

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Subjects: ACT Math, Applied Mathematics, Competition Math, Developmental Math 2, Discrete Math, Elementary Math, IB Mathematics, Math, Math/Science, Mathematics for Machine Technology, Maths, SAT II Mathematics Level 1, SAT II Mathematics Level 2, SAT Mathematics, elementary math

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Asfand's photo

USD $10/hr

5 years of tutoring

English, Urdu, Pashto, Pushto

Islamabad, Pakistan

Asfand Y.


National University of Science And Technology

Programing| Physics | Maths | Chemistry | Biology

As someone with expertise in the fields of Programing, physics, Mathematics ,chemistry, and biology, I am confident in my ability to teach you these subjects. With three years of experience under my belt, I have developed a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles that govern these subjects. In physics, I am well-versed in the laws of motion, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and more. I can help you understand the basics of these topics and how they relate to the world around us. Whether you are struggling with mechanics or trying to master quantum mechanics, I am here to guide you through it. In chemistry, I have extensive knowledge of chemical reactions, thermodynamics, and the behavior of molecules and more. I can help you understand the periodic table and how to balance chemical equations. Whether you are studying organic or inorganic chemistry, I can provide you with the tools you need to succeed. In biology, I have a strong background in genetics, ecology, and cellular biology. I can help you understand the complexities of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. Whether you are studying plant biology, animal behavior, or microbiology, I am here to help. Overall, with my broad range of knowledge and experience in physics, chemistry, and biology, I am confident that I can help you develop a deep understanding of these subjects and achieve your academic goals.

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Subjects: Advanced Physics (Special Relativity), Astrophysics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Maths, Nuclear Physics, Physics (Electricity and Magnetism), Physics (Fluid Mechanics), Physics (Heat Transfer), Physics (Newtonian Mechanics), Physics (Thermodynamics), Physics (Waves and Optics), Statistics

15min Free Session
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Success stories

Revolutionizing education with the power of online tutoring

“Akshay is an exceptional Pre-calculus tutor for university-level students. He has a great way of explaining complex concepts and ensures that his students understand them. He is always ready to provide additional explanations if needed. I highly recommend him and look forward to booking him again.”Sasha

Best online tutor
Akshay J.
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“Richard is an exceptional tutor who has the ability to explain complex concepts in a simplistic way. His step-by-step instructions help to build confidence and understand the material better. Furthermore, he provides numerous tips and resources to facilitate success.”Jessica

Best online tutor

“I had a session on Linear Algebra, and it was very helpful. Mirjana was excellent in explaining matrices, and I could understand the concepts quite well. I would definitely request her assistance again.”Lateefah

Best online tutor
Mirjana M.
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“Students struggling in math should seek help from Reza. He is patient, composed, and adept at explaining complex concepts in a clear and understandable way. He is also very generous with his time and willing to assist students on short notice.”Rajasiva

Best online tutor

“Sierra provided me with an exceptional tutoring session in chemistry. She was patient and made sure that I fully comprehended every concept. I am grateful for her assistance.”Erin

Best online tutor
Sierra P.
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“Michael did an excellent job in assisting me to comprehend various types of isomers. His tips and tricks were beneficial in resolving challenging problems.”Jada

Best online tutor
Michael A.
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“I have found Anisha to be an exceptionally patient tutor who provides clear explanations that have helped me to comprehend various topics. I would strongly recommend her to anyone who needs assistance.”Sam

Best online tutor
Michael A.
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“I received invaluable assistance from Patrick in terms of the direction for my papers. Collaborating with him was a comfortable experience, and it made the writing process much more manageable.”Stephanie

Best online tutor
Patrick P.
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“Elena's assistance was invaluable to me during my college essay revision session on Greek Mythology for the Humanities subject. She provided positive and helpful feedback and demonstrated expertise in several areas, which she explained very nicely.”Abigail

Best online tutor
Elena M.
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