Préparation aux examens et aide aux devoirs dispensées par des tuteurs de Trigonométrie en ligne privés

Nos tuteurs de Trigonométrie en ligne offrent un apprentissage personnalisé et individuel pour vous aider à améliorer vos notes, renforcer votre confiance et atteindre vos objectifs académiques.

Meilleurs 390 professeurs de trigonométrie en ligne

Sanjana's photo

USD $18/hr

5 ans de tutorat

English, Hindi

Nagpur, India

Sanjana K.


Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

Math Tutor - Elementary and Middle School

- First session free (15 min) - Detailed explanation of concepts - Worksheets for practice - Personalised Homework - Quiz and Tests I'm a passionate and experienced math tutor with a Bachelors degree in Electronics Engineering. Due to my engineering background, i can teach mathematics in a simple yet effective manner. I have five years of experience teaching mathematics to elementary, middle school and high school students. I'm a thorough and patient individual having instructional aptitude and outstanding mentoring skills.

en savoir plus

Sujets: ACT Math, Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Elementary Math, GCSE Math, Geometry, IGCSE, Math, Mathematics, Maths, Pre-Algebra, SAT Mathematics, Trigonometry, elementary math

Session gratuite de 15 minutes
Aide aux devoirs
Reza's photo

CAD $50/hr

16 ans de tutorat

English, French, Persian

Calgary, Canada

Reza G.


University of Sherbrooke, University of Manitoba, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan University of technology

First Rank Math Tutor: University, College, High school Math

I obtained my Doctorate in Mathematics from the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec, specializing in combinatorial dynamical systems. Prior to this, I earned a Master’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Manitoba, with a focus on functional analysis. Additionally, I hold both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Pure Mathematics, with a specialization in modern algebra, from Isfahan University of Technology in Iran. Throughout my academic career, I have held various teaching roles, including lecturer, teaching assistant, and mentor, through which I have instructed and supported a diverse student body in mathematics. My experiences have reinforced my understanding of the critical role that mentorship plays in student success. I have taught mathematics at the University of Manitoba, the University of Sherbrooke, Université de Saint-Boniface, and the University of New Brunswick. Since 2010, I have been engaged in tutoring and teaching mathematics both in-person and online, working with students at levels ranging from primary school to graduate studies. My students come from a diverse array of geographical regions, including China, Hong Kong, Europe, the Middle East, and North America. These experiences have allowed me to develop a deep understanding of various mathematical backgrounds and learning approaches, further enhancing my effectiveness as an educator.

en savoir plus

Sujets: Abstract Algebra, Algebra, Calculus, Complex analysis, Differential Equations, Discrete Math, Integral Calculus, Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, Number Theory, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Real Analysis, Topology

Aide aux devoirs
Hafsa's photo

USD $20/hr

8 ans de tutorat

English, Urdu, Punjabi

Lahore, Pakistan

Hafsa B.


University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Expert math tutor with more than eight years of teaching experience.

Hey, I'm Hafsa from Punjab, Pakistan. I hold an MPhil degree in applied mathematics. I am a teacher by profession. I love to teach students who find math a difficult subject. I've taught many students who struggled with math; I helped them make math their favorite subject and get good grades. I have more than eight years of teaching experience and have taught in different environments. I have experience teaching school-level, college-level, and university-level students. My teaching methodology varies from student to student. I always start my class by posing some basic questions related to the lecture to gauge the level of the students and make them more attentive. To make things easier, I like to divide tasks into smaller steps. I start with basic concepts and then slowly move toward the topic. My classrooms are student-centered and fun. My students can ask their questions at any time during the class. After every lecture, I assess my students' concepts regarding that specific lecture. After lecture, I asked students to briefly tell me what they had learned or to simply explain a specific step in the solution. Moreover, for the assessment of my students, I schedule tests and quizzes. At the end of every lecture, I provide notes, extra learning material, and practice questions. I prepare lesson plans and homework according to the needs of my students. I am a passionate and hardworking teacher. I can assist you with assignments and exam preparation. I want to help you build confidence in your math skills. Schedule a lesson with me so we can talk about your goals and how I can help you achieve them. I love meeting new people and will be happy to have you.

en savoir plus

Sujets: ACT Math, AP Calculus AB/BC, Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Applied Mathematics, Calculus, Elementary Math, Geometry, Integral Calculus, Math, Math/Science, Multivariable Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry

Session gratuite de 15 minutes
Aide aux devoirs
Adeela's photo

USD $20/hr

5 ans de tutorat

Urdu, English

Taxila, Pakistan

Adeela K.

COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan

Electric Circuit Analysis, Power Electronics, Electric Network Analysis, Renewable Energy Systems, Power System Analysis, Digital Logic Design, Calculus and Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations.

Hello, I have done Masters in Electrical Engineering from COMSATS University Islamabad(CUI) Pakistan. Currently i am PHD student and an experienced online tutor , with more than 5 years of experience teaching and tutoring high school and college students. I also am experienced in private tutoring in mathematics and physics at high school and university levelsI am specialized in Power systems. However i am experienced in teaching other courses as well. For example Digital Logic Design Electric Circuit Analysis Calculus and Algebra Electric Network Analysis Power Electronics Digital Signal Processing And for Mathematics i am expert in Algebra Calculus Ordinary Differential Equations Trigonometry Functions Vactors Sets Geometry Moreover i am also expericeed in teaching Physics for school and College Students. My goal is to empower students to overcome academic challenges and achieve their goals. I am passionate about teaching and dedicated to helping students succeed.

en savoir plus

Sujets: AP Physics, Digital Logic Design, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Physics (Electricity and Magnetism), Science

Session gratuite de 15 minutes
Aide aux devoirs
Dhaval's photo

USD $32/hr

6 ans de tutorat


कल्याण, India

Dhaval F.


Pune University

Expert Math Tutor with 5+ years of experience teaching High School and University Students

Hi there! My name is Dhaval Furia, and I am passionate about helping others with Math. I have a Masters of Science degree in Mathematics and have tutored high school and university students, and adult learners for over 5 years. My goal is to make our classes engaging and productive. If you feel stuck with any math problem, let me guide you! If you feel like I am a good fit, please send me a message and we can have a free 15 minute consultation. I look forward to working with you! Happy learning Get 50% off on tutoring sessions from December 15th to January 15th and kickstart your success in the new year!

en savoir plus

Sujets: Algebra, Calculus, Discrete Math, GMAT, Geometry, Integral Calculus, Linear Algebra, Math, Maths, Multivariable Calculus, Number Theory, Pre-Calculus, Probability, SAT Mathematics, Trigonometry

Session gratuite de 15 minutes
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Pourquoi TutorOcean

Aide d'experts avec les meilleurs tuteurs en ligne

Nos tuteurs en ligne offrent un apprentissage personnalisé, individuel pour vous aider à améliorer vos notes, renforcer votre confiance et atteindre vos objectifs académiques.

Tutoring in an online classroom

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Salle de classe interactive en ligne

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Tutorat en ligne

Obtenez du tutorat en ligne pour de l'aide aux devoirs, la préparation aux tests et examens, l'avancement de carrière, et plus encore avec nos services complets.

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Histoires de réussite

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“Akshay is an exceptional Pre-calculus tutor for university-level students. He has a great way of explaining complex concepts and ensures that his students understand them. He is always ready to provide additional explanations if needed. I highly recommend him and look forward to booking him again.”Sasha

Best online tutor

“Richard is an exceptional tutor who has the ability to explain complex concepts in a simplistic way. His step-by-step instructions help to build confidence and understand the material better. Furthermore, he provides numerous tips and resources to facilitate success.”Jessica

Best online tutor

“I had a session on Linear Algebra, and it was very helpful. Mirjana was excellent in explaining matrices, and I could understand the concepts quite well. I would definitely request her assistance again.”Lateefah

Best online tutor
Mirjana M.
Voir le profil

“Students struggling in math should seek help from Reza. He is patient, composed, and adept at explaining complex concepts in a clear and understandable way. He is also very generous with his time and willing to assist students on short notice.”Rajasiva

Best online tutor

“Sierra provided me with an exceptional tutoring session in chemistry. She was patient and made sure that I fully comprehended every concept. I am grateful for her assistance.”Erin

Best online tutor

“Michael did an excellent job in assisting me to comprehend various types of isomers. His tips and tricks were beneficial in resolving challenging problems.”Jada

Best online tutor
Michael A.
Voir le profil

“I have found Anisha to be an exceptionally patient tutor who provides clear explanations that have helped me to comprehend various topics. I would strongly recommend her to anyone who needs assistance.”Sam

Best online tutor
Michael A.
Voir le profil

“I received invaluable assistance from Patrick in terms of the direction for my papers. Collaborating with him was a comfortable experience, and it made the writing process much more manageable.”Stephanie

Best online tutor
Patrick P.
Voir le profil

“Elena's assistance was invaluable to me during my college essay revision session on Greek Mythology for the Humanities subject. She provided positive and helpful feedback and demonstrated expertise in several areas, which she explained very nicely.”Abigail

Best online tutor

Questions fréquemment posées

Aide en trigonométrie

Sujets, niveaux et programmes

La trigonométrie est une matière avec une profondeur et une diversité, nos tuteurs en ligne peuvent donc vous fournir un soutien sur une variété de sujets et de niveaux en trigonométrie, tels que:
- Applications de l'intégration
- Fonctions continues
- Trigonométrie différentielle
- Fonction logarithme et exponentielle
- Fonctions trigonométriques
- et plus encore!
Généralement, il existe trois niveaux de compétence pour les étudiants: débutant, intermédiaire et avancé. Ces niveaux sont étroitement liés au niveau académique de l'étudiant, il est donc conseillé d'en discuter avec le tuteur.
Les tuteurs peuvent également aider avec divers programmes scolaires car beaucoup d'entre eux sont des enseignants à la retraite ou ont aidé des étudiants avec leurs programmes passés et à venir.

Questions courantes de trigonométrie

- Une grande roue avec un rayon de 25 mètres effectue une rotation toutes les 36 secondes. En bas de la balade, le passager se trouve à 1 mètre au-dessus du sol.
- Soit h la hauteur, au-dessus du sol, d'un passager. Déterminez h en fonction du temps si h = 51 mètres à t = 0.
- Trouvez la hauteur h après 45 secondes.
- Linda mesure l'angle d'élévation depuis un point sur le sol jusqu'au sommet de l'arbre et le trouve égal à 35o. Elle marche ensuite de 20 mètres vers l'arbre et trouve que l'angle d'élévation depuis ce nouveau point jusqu'au sommet de l'arbre est de 45o. Trouvez la hauteur de l'arbre. (Arrondir la réponse à trois chiffres significatifs)
- Prouvez que [cos(x) - sin(x)][cos(2x) - sin(2x)] = cos(x) - sin(3x)
- Trouvez la valeur exacte de [ tan(25º) + tan(50º)] / [ 1 - tan(25º) tan(50º]
- Quel est l'angle B du triangle ABC, sachant que A = 46º, b = 4 et c = 8 ? (Note : le côté a fait face à l'angle A, le côté b fait face à l'angle B et le côté c fait face à l'angle C).
- Écrivez une équation pour une fonction sinus avec une amplitude de 5/3 , une période de π/2 et un décalage vertical de 4 unités vers le haut.