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Ibrahim's photo

Ibrahim H.

USD $20/hr

Expert Bio Medical courses tutor

3 hours


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10 hours


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5 hours


One week with any subject will give you enough time to decide whether you want to keep going with me or not .

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Informations du tuteur

À propos

Hello, I am Ibrahim Abualgohsain. I was teaching biomedical courses for 6 years in simple, organized, and clear ways. I am a graduate of one of the best 500 universities around the world and I was graduated with the first rank on my batch. My students claim that my explanations and teaching make complicated topics much easier, more than 90% of them scored better in their courses and passed in courses they never expected to pass in. I am looking to make you one of my students to enrich my teaching journey and make you an expert in the most complicated courses you have in your college curriculum.


Irbid, Jordan


Arabic, English

Fuseau horaire





Jordan university of science and Technology

2020 - 2022
MSc of Virology and molecular biology, Microbiology
I am studying right now the Viral diagnosis and behavior.

Jordan university of science and Technology

2015 - 2020
Bachelor Degree in Veterinary sciences, Veterinary medicine
I graduated as the first rank on my batch in the field of veterinary medicine.

Expérience professionnelle

Jordan University of science and Technology

October 2020 - present
Teaching assistant
I am a teaching and research assistant at my current college.

Faheem Academy

August 2019 - present
Founder and Medical Tutor
I have organized an online academy for teaching Bio-Medical courses.

General tutor

March 2017 - present
Independent tutor
I was a medical tutor for basic and advanced Medical courses.