Alyssa's cover photo
Alyssa's photo

Alyssa B.

CAD $30/hr

Everyone is capabel of that 'a ha' moment, sometimes it just takes time and a different approach

Informations du tuteur

À propos

I'm a University student nearing completion of a Bachelors of Education degree. I have a lot of experience working with children and youth in a variety of teaching settings, a variety of subjects, and varying abilities. I believe every child is capable of success in all subjects, they just need to be taught in a way that makes sense to them. Their is no challenge I can't handle!


Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


English, ASL

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School


Univesirt Of Alberta

2016 - 2021
Bachelor Degree, Kinesiology and Education
5 year Bachelor's program, working towards the completion of a Bachelors of Kinesiology, and a Bachelors of Education