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Cara's photo

Cara L.

USD $20/hr

Tutor here to champion you in reading, writing, and standardized testing!

3 hours

Essay Development

Essay got your tongue? Let's conquer it in three hour-long sessions! 1) Brainstorm, research, and outline. 2) Write, write, write. 3) Edit to perfection!

Acheter 3 heures

Informations du tuteur

À propos

With a 33 ACT score, a bachelor's degree in Creative Writing, and two years of experience in the classroom, I am here to gather up all of my experience and knowledge for your benefit! I've tutored students from kindergarten to college level, and I love working with individuals to make successful learning accessible in any stage of life.


Tulsa, United States


English, Mandarin

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School
I want to learn a new hobby


University of Tulsa

2019 - 2022
Bachelor of Arts, Creative Writing
I studied creative writing for four years, before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, engaging in a collection of English literature courses, as well as at least one writing workshop a semester. My minors were in Chinese and history. I also worked with a student organization called Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, leading Bible studies and working one-on-one with students to develop understanding of the Bible and spiritual growth. For one semester, I participated in the Tulsa Arts Fellowship program for students, writing a first draft of my poetry collection and meeting regularly with a writing mentor in the fellowship, culminating in a public reading.

Expérience professionnelle

Tulsa Public Schools

August 2023 - present
Teaching Assistant
Worked in a first grade classroom, maintaining the classroom through one-on-one work with students, organization of materials, checking/grading work, and teaching cursive writing three days a week in small group settings.

Lake Hills

August 2022 - July 2023
Teaching Assistant
Aided teacher in classroom by checking work, working one-on-one with students, maintaining the classroom, and keeping record of lessons/work being done.