Dušana's cover photo
Dušana's photo

Dušana M.

USD $32/hr

22-Year-Old with 3 Years of University Teaching Experience

4 hours

4-Hour Boost: Save Time, Save Money!

Commit yourself to regular work! 4 hours will certainly be more useful than 1 - and you'll also keep some money in your pocket!

Acheter 4 heures

Informations du tuteur

À propos

I adjust the tempo and style according to where your math skills stand. What will we do? Let's set little goals, and step by step we will get you ready for whatever test you are trying to top-score. My favorite is to explain confusing concepts in a way that everyone can understand. Math makes sense, trust me :) So far, I haven't failed once in helping my students get the scores they want. If you're ready for a well-crafted plan under my supervision, you know what to do ;)


Copenhagen, Denmark


Serbian, English

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School
I want to learn a new hobby


Danish Technical University

2022 - 2024
Master's, Mathematical Modelling and Computation
Still ongoing

Danish Technical University

2019 - 2022
Bachelor's, General Engineering

Expérience professionnelle

Danish Technical University

September 2020 - June 2023
Teaching Assistant for Advanced Mathematics 1
Assisting students with their studies of scientific theory and methodology, and being responsible for groups of 30-40 engineering students taking care of assignments, grading and feedback, and communication.