Eduardo's cover photo
Eduardo's photo

Eduardo P.

USD $12/hr

Hi I am Edd and I would love to tutor you, always open for a lovely chat.

1 hours

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Informations du tuteur

À propos

I study in distance mode, which has allowed me to explore more educational areas and activities of my interest, such as: Photography, graphic design and programming. And also that it offers me the time to be able to work while study.


Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico


Spanish, English

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School
I want to learn a new hobby


Universidad de Guadalajara

2020 - 2024
Technologies and information, IT and ICT
ICT student and IT consultant. Thanks to my experience in education and interest in my personal development, I have obtained communication skills that have helped me manage teams, transmit information in a digestible way and collaborate with multiple people at the same time. taking advantage and applying it to my current career.

Expérience professionnelle


August 2020 - present
IT Consultant
Offering my knowledge in project management and skills in planning I have had the opportunity to guide and assist multiple small businesses to get into the functionality of digital services.

Consejo Nacional del Fomento Educativo

July 2016 - August 2020
Leader for Rural Community Education
Developing and Carrying out educational activities for middle school students and developing action plans for the communities I was able to develop my communication skills among other professional functions.