KALEY's cover photo
KALEY's photo


USD $45/hr

MCAT Tutor/General Biology and Chemistry Tutor

Informations du tuteur

À propos

Hello there! I'm Kaley, a third-year Microbiology major at UCLA. Throughout my academic journey, I have successfully completed all the pre-requisite courses for the MCAT, including biology, biochemistry, physics, and chemistry, achieving straight As in each of them. Thanks to my effective preparation techniques and study style, I achieved an impressive score of 521 on the MCAT, consistently scoring 130+ on all sections. Recognizing the comprehensive nature of MCAT preparation, I am here to offer personalized sessions to help you create a tailored study plan that suits your unique needs. Additionally, I provide tutoring sessions for all subjects covered in the MCAT. With my expertise and experience, I am dedicated to supporting your MCAT journey and helping you excel. As with the work I've put into my college career maintaining a 4.0 STEM GPA, I am also able to act as a general biology, chemistry, and biochemistry tutor up to a college level course.


Los angeles, United States



Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School



2020 - 2024
B.S, Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics

Expérience professionnelle


September 2023 - present
Peer Learning Facilitator
Courses taught/teaching: Introduction to Gender Studies, Gender 10; Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Kinetics, and Organic Chemistry, Chemistry 14B; Genetics, Evolution, Ecology, Life Sciences 7B; Human Body, Life Sciences 7C Facilitate additional interaction with course material for student athletes, generating their confidence in the courses.

University of Chicago Laboratory Schools

September 2018 - June 2019
Middle School Math Tutor