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Milia's photo

Milia W.

USD $35/hr

Empowering Minds through the Art of Mandarin

12 hours

Chinese Pinyin Class

Our 12-class Mandarin Pinyin course covers the basics of initials, finals, and tones. Helping beginners build a strong foundation for Chinese.

Acheter 12 heures

Informations du tuteur

À propos

Hello! I'm Milia, a passionate Mandarin tutor with a background in Education and over two years of teaching experience. I've had the pleasure of teaching more than 300 students from around the world, and I specialize in creating a joyful and engaging learning environment for young children aged 3-10. My Teaching Philosophy I believe that learning should be fun and interactive. My teaching methodology is rooted in game-based learning, making Mandarin accessible and enjoyable for young learners. By incorporating playful activities and interactive exercises, I ensure that my students not only learn but also love the process of learning Mandarin. Classes Offered Mandarin Pinyin Class (Beginners) In the Pinyin class, beginners will learn the fundamental skills needed to read Mandarin words independently. Through fun and engaging exercises, students will master the basics of Pinyin, setting a strong foundation for their Mandarin learning journey. HSK Class (All levels) This course is designed to help you master Chinese and excel in the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) exams. We cover all levels, from HSK 1 to HSK 6, focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. 《中文》(ZhongWen)(Beginners and Intermediate) This Class is designed for learners of all levels, using the most authoritative textbook for studying Chinese. Before starting, students with prior Chinese knowledge will take a quick placement test to determine their appropriate level. In this class, you'll learn Chinese words through various topics and practice communication sentences, ensuring you gain both vocabulary and practical conversational skills. Suitable for beginners to advanced learners, this course offers tailored instruction to enhance your Chinese proficiency effectively and confidently.


Windsor, Ontario, Canada


Chinese, English

Fuseau horaire





University of Windsor

2023 - 2024
Master, Education