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Noemi's photo

Noemi S.

USD $20/hr

Italian native, two university degrees in health care

10 hours

5 Lessons

5 lessons, with the first one free

Acheter 10 heures

Informations du tuteur

À propos

Born in 1995, I got my High School diploma in a Scientific school ( A. Sobrero, Casale Monferrato) and proceed to my first degree as a Neurophysiopathology Technician with a 110/110, after that I took my second university degree in "Science of diagnostic and technical healthcare profession" with a 110/110L, both of them in Turin. My native language is Italian, but I speak English to, at least, a C1 level. Don't feel pressured by asking me questions or to repeat something you may have not understood, I will gladly provide with another explanation until we both find a way to understand the subject. Every person has a different way to learn different subjects and a teacher/tutor job is also to find the best way to have the student learn it. Do not be scared to tell me to adress you with a specific pronoun or name, I will gladly follow your request!


Fontanetto Po, Piemonte, Italy


Italian, English

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School
I want to learn a new hobby


University: Science of diagnostic and technical healthcare ptofession

2017 - 2019
110/110L, Tutoring, Management

University: Neurophysiopathology Techniques

2014 - 2017
110/110, EEG, EP, Doppler, Neurology, Anatomy, Neuropathology, EMG, ENG

Scientific Technological High School "A. Sobrero"

2009 - 2014
87/100, Italian Litererature, Math, Biology, Microbiology, Geography, History, English Grammar, English literature, Tech-Drawings, Art History, Law and Economy, Philosophy, Programming, Earth Science

Expérience professionnelle


March 2019 - present
Neurophysiopathology Technician
EEG, EP, EMG/ENG, Doppler