Alyssa's cover photo
Alyssa's photo

Alyssa B.

USD $17/hr

Previous Teacher Assistant; Bachelor of Psychology Student with a Minor in Sociology and a Minor in Criminology & Criminal Justice.

Informations du tuteur

À propos

As a tutor, I bring a diverse range of expertise in Math, Science, English, and History. I have extensive experience working with students in High School and College, helping them excel in these subjects. I also have some experience with Middle School, but mainly honors students. I also have experience preparing students for the ACT. (My hourly rate can be subject to change to a lower rate based on how often a student requires tutoring. I'm happy to make these accommodations if and when needed.)


Haw river, United States



Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School


Arizona State University

2024 - 2026
Bachelors, Psychology (Forensic Psychology) Minor in Sociology & Minor in Criminology and Criminal Justice
4.00, Continuing Education.

Bluegrass Community and Technical College

2019 - 2023
Associate, Arts and Humanities