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Aure E.

USD $50/hr

Experienced in teaching MATLAB and Python

Informations du tuteur

À propos

Over 150 hours teaching experience in a mixture of MATLAB and Python, particularly to beginners who find it difficult to grasp programming. I'm currently doing my PhD in medical imaging at University College London (UCL). Graduated with a first class honours MEng degree from Biomedical Engineering at UCL. Wide knowledge in maths, physics and biology but mostly teach Python and MATLAB. I love teaching intro to MALTAB in particular as many people find it difficult to get into in engineering if they have never done programming before. I also have some experience in teaching web development with Flask or with Javascript, React and Express. In comparison to a classroom, having a tutor is different in the sense that I am able to see what the pace of the class should be depending on how fast the student grasps certain concepts, and what parts is the student struggling the most at. My teaching style really depends on the understanding of the student, their age, and the subject we are learning. I always however, love to implement visual representations of concepts. The best thing about science is when you can make extremely complicated idea something easy to understand, because that is when creativity comes in. Sometimes, especially for younger kids when they still don`t have a very detailed image of science, this is the best moment to be creative and share the love for science.


London, England, United Kingdom


English, Spanish, French, Hebrew (modern), Catalan

Fuseau horaire



High School
I want to learn a new hobby


University College London

2022 - 2026
PhD, AR in pituitary surgery

University College London

2021 - 2022
Master in Research (MRes), Medical imaging

University College London

2017 - 2021
MEng (integrated masters), Biomedical Engineering