Abigail's cover photo
Abigail's photo

Abigail K.

USD $25/hr

I am learning enthusiast who is passionate about tutoring subjects (Biology & Math) I love.

Informations du tuteur

À propos

I am a first-year student at the University of Melbourne who has a passion for the field of STEM. While in high school, I offered tuition to my peers that needed help. My services included aid with the full comprehension of a subject and revision for test and exams. I also shared my personal tried and tested tips such as flashcards, mind maps, summary notes, past papers and more. I have experience in high school (IGCSE & A-Level) Biology & Math, TOEFL Prep, and University applications (personal statements, scholarship applications, etc).


Dar es salaam, Tanzania



Fuseau horaire



High School


University of Melbourne

2021 - 2023
Bachelor of Science
I am currently enrolled in the University of Melbourne pursuing the Bachelor of science.

Dar es Salaam Independent School

2018 - 2020
A-Levels, Chemistry, Biology, Maths
I studied chemistry, biology and maths at A-level, achieving A*, A*, A, respectively.