Alexandra's cover photo
Alexandra's photo

Alexandra V.

USD $10/hr

Passionate and dedicated tutor who strives for their students to succeed

Informations du tuteur

À propos

Worked closely with children in elementary and middle school. Made classes engaged and provided fun learning activities to re-enforce curriculum learned. Students became fast learners and prepared and eager to learn!


Washington, United States


English, Spanish

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School


American University

2021 - 2025
Business Administration & Public and Strategic Communication

Expérience professionnelle

The School Of The New York Times

June 2020 - July 2020
Learned fundamentals and crucial skills of outlining a story, creating, pitching, and writing

Maryland Voices Publication

September 2019 - June 2021
Regional Director
Responsible for editing, reviewing and revising student’s creative nonfiction pieces from around the counties in Maryland for publication. Decision maker on the suitability for publication of nonfiction articles. Liaison between the head of the English Departments and high school leaderships to advertise Maryland Voices.

U.S Food and Drug Administration

July 2019 - August 2019
Student Intern
Assisted the Office of Cosmetics with writing to target teens to promote the safety of cosmetics and warn consumers of harmful products like cosmetic tattoos. Presented my research on analysis of FDA website communications to the Office Directors and staff.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Madrid, Spain

June 2019 - July 2019
Research Assistant
Conducted in vitro laboratory studies and scientific analysis of chemical agents for toxicity to human neuronal and colon cancer cell lines. Assisted in writing research proposals.

Saint John the Evangelist

August 2016 - present
Responsible for supervising and assisting the teacher with elementary aged and middle school youth in the bilingual Hispanic Ministry. • Provided bilingual guidance and mentorship to youth during classes making sure the lessons were understood by them. • Assisted the principal instructor with lessons, presentations, art designs, computer and assignments to support the religious education. • Took charge of organizing and directing the youth for small performances during special religious holidays. • Developed my communication skills and teamwork. • 205 plus volunteer hours