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Benson Kariuki's photo

Benson Kariuki N.

USD $35/hr

Experienced Statistics and Mathematics tutor

Informations du tuteur

À propos

I have been an online tutor for over 7 years, helping students in high school and college level in mathematics and statistics. My educational background is a Masters degree in Mathematical Statistics and a Bachelors degree in Statistics. I have also trained in Certified Public Accounting (CPA) which expands my areas of expertise to include finance and accounting. My approach in teaching is simple; ✍️ Preparing students by outlining the content of the lesson ✍️ Asking my students questions during and after the lesson and leaving time for them to come up with answers ✍️ Holding discussions around the topic so as to increase student participation. ✍️ Incorporating tables, graphs, images, posters, videos and visuals in order to make the lessons more practical. In order to provide my students with excellent and targeted learning, I focus on the challenges facing students in class and help them tackle them. This helps improves their self esteem and sets the stage for success in learning.


Nairobi, Kenya



Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School
I want to learn a new hobby


Strathmore University

2019 - 2022
Masters of Science in Mathematical Statistics, Statistics
A masters degree in mathematical statistics


Benson is a consummate statistics tutor

Benson is a consummate statistics tutor. His profound knowledge is matched only by his enthusiasm, making complex topics accessible and exciting. I'm looking forward to have many more lessons with him.
By: Michael