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Christopher's photo

Christopher K.

CAD $22/hr

Lets make design and code fun!

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Informations du tuteur

À propos

Everyday in design and code we face problems. Solving those problems is a passion of mine, and I want to help it become a passion for you. Designing and coding is all about that. I have been helping to tutor students for more than 5 years. From a introductory level to more advanced levels. If you are new to code, and/or design. I am happy to break it down into easy to digest bits through the use of metaphors or other techniques to fit your unique learning method. From the conceptual process to getting a first prototype designed. Then bringing that into reality. I can be a supportive aid to help explain concepts, and work out issues you may be facing in regards to code (HTML, CSS and JAVA). If you are interested in learning or giving your education a helpful aid. I am happy to help.


Oakville, Ontario, Canada


English, Hungarian

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School
I want to learn a new hobby


Sheridan College

2018 - 2022
Undergraduate, Honours Bachelor of Interaction Design
Completed a Honours Bachelor of Interaction Design program at Sheridan College where I learned how to use visual language to express messages and meet goals, to consider human factors data and models of user experience into my design process, and prepare assets for interactive products and environments that go beyond traditional design using text, visual, sound and motion elements.

Sheridan College

2018 - 2022
Certificate, Creativity and Creative Problem Solving
Facilitate the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) process into my design flow, using the tools and frameworks to further explore and create more inclusive products. To help work with peers in a more collaborative method in creating a positive environment to further group goals.

Sheridan College

2017 - 2018
Diploma, Visual and Creative Arts
Learned how to express to an advanced level of competency in visual communications through traditional and digital methods. Applying problem solving to complex problems related to the conceptual process, meeting deadlines and client budgets. To create various works which show an understanding of colour theory and the potential effects and psychology of colour may have on the audience.

Expérience professionnelle

Sheridan College

March 2023 - present
Research and Academic Initiatives Associate
I am working as part of strategic initiative called Homeroom. Involved in designing and developing digital handbooks to help support students in various programs.

Sheridan College

April 2019 - April 2022
Interaction Design Tutor
Worked with students inside my program helping to clarify concept and material such as; 2D design, design methods, research methods, typography, software, HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP.

Sheridan College

April 2017 - April 2019
Peer Tutor - Visual and Creative Arts
Helped to support my fellow students who were taking Art Fundamentals or Visual and Creative Arts in various subjects such as; 2D design, colour theory, painting, drawing, and digital artwork.