Kaung Kyi's cover photo
Kaung Kyi's photo

Kaung Kyi T.

USD $15/hr

I'm an expert tutor

2 hours

2 hours worth of tutoring for the price of 1.5 hr

I usually set my price at $15/hour but with this hour package plan I can teach for 2 hours for the price of 1.5 hours

Acheter 2 heures
3 hours

3 hours of teaching for the price of 2 hours

I usually teach at a price of $15/hour but for 3 hours I will teach at a price of $10/hour

Acheter 3 heures

Informations du tuteur

À propos

I'm an experienced tutor I have been teaching my friends for almost a year and now I want to try it out in the real world.


Yangon, Yangon Region, Myanmar (Burma)


Burmese , English

Fuseau horaire



Middle School


Asia Language and Bussiness Academy

2016 - 2024
None, Maths,English,Science,Geography,History
My education is still ongoing but I can still tutor in the meantime


Tutor was kind and explaining

He was kind to me even tho i didn't know much he also explained to me over and over of the things I didn't understand.
By: Kelvin