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Evans S.

CAD $21/hr

As a tutor, I blend my 10+ years of system software developer experience with my academic background. I use practical examples and personalized guidance to teach Python Data Science

Informations du tuteur

À propos

As a tutor, I draw upon over a decade of hands-on experience as a system software developer, complemented by my academic background. My approach to teaching Python Data Science is rooted in real-world applications, emphasizing practical examples and individualized support to ensure a comprehensive and engaging learning experience.


Montréal, Québec, Canada


Filipino, English

Fuseau horaire



High School
I want to learn a new hobby


University of Negros Occidental- Recoletos

2016 - 2019
Doctor of Philosophy, Business management (Information Technology)
A PhD in Business Management with a specialization in Information Technology is a unique academic achievement that combines advanced business knowledge with IT expertise. It equips individuals with a deep understanding of how technology can drive business innovation and efficiency, making them well-rounded leaders capable of navigating the complex intersection of business and technology.

University of Saint La Salle

2012 - 2015
Masters Degree, Information Technology
Possessing a Master's degree in Information Technology underscores a robust grasp of software development, data science, and machine learning. It signifies expertise in designing and building software solutions, analyzing data for insights, and applying machine learning algorithms.

Expérience professionnelle

West Visayas State University

June 2017 - June 2023
Associate Professor III
Conducted academic instruction relating to system software development involving data science, machine learning, internet-of-things, and sensors and automation in the College of Information and Communication Technology (CICT). Also, held an administrative role as R&D Coordinator for Emerging Technology and Innovations at the university's Business Incubation.