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Smayan D.

USD $25/hr

Computer Science Tutor - Coding, DSA, OS, Networks, DBMS, AI/ML

Informations du tuteur

À propos

I have been working as a business analyst at a top-tier bank for the last 1 year. I have a master’s in Computer Science from IIT Kharagpur, one of India's best engineering colleges. I have been tutoring K-12 students and undergrads in India for about 4 years now. I am proficient in programming languages C, C++, and Python, Java, MATLAB etc. Apart from core Computer Science topics like Operating Systems, Networks, Database Management, etc. I have also done quite a few projects in Machine Learning and Data Science and am reallly good at that. On the writing front, I know my way around technical content writing and business reports and can help in that also. I am an avid reader and I love playing chess. Just shoot me a message, will provide best possible help!


Bengaluru, India



Fuseau horaire



High School


Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

2018 - 2023
Bachelors + Masters in Technology, Computer Science
I completed my bachelors and masters in Computer Science in an integrated dual degree course from one of the most reputed institutions in India, with notable recognition in the world too.

Expérience professionnelle

Capital One

July 2023 - present
Business Analyst

Ab Inbev

May 2022 - July 2022
Data Scientist
Optimized the scheduling and routing of all the deliveries from depots to the customers to reduce logistic costs - Leveraged constrained K-Means, hierarchical clustering and MILP to assign a single day of delivery for customers - Optimized the trailer space utlilization achieving 20% distance reduction using Vehicle Routing algorithms(VRP) - Created PowerBI Dashboards simulating the delivery routes and created an end-to-end pipeline for easy adoption - Estimated savings in Variable Logistics Cost(VLC) was $4 Mn( 15% reduction) in South Africa and $40 Mn globally

Mobile Premier League(MPL)

February 2021 - July 2021
Product Management Intern
Improved the CRM tool and implemented analytics dashboards using Tableau catering to over 30 game developers - Researched business intelligence tools and identified metrics to enable better game level analytics for developers - Authored 15+ PRDs for multiple features coordinating with Security, Design, Fraud, Analytics and Developer teams - Performed RCA on fraud incidents and implemented solutions to promote fairplay, decreasing fraud count by 60%

Lifevitae Pte Ltd(Singapore)

May 2020 - August 2020
Software Developer Intern
- Scraped data from various sources for crucial features of the platform using BeautifulSoup, Selenium and Scrapy - Coordinated with the QA team and performed functional and performance tests for features across the platform - Used Natural Language Processing based techniques to build a Resume Parser using SpaCy,NLTK and Apache Tika - Achieved an overall best accuracy of 63% against an industry standard of 79% using the dataset of 200+ resumes


Very knowledgable person and better articulation of the contents to make understandable

Very knowledgable person and better articulation of the contents to make understandable
By: Regin