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Jorge Eduardo's photo

Jorge Eduardo R.

USD $18/hr

Latin american industrial engineer with master in business and experience in project management

Informations du tuteur

À propos

Industrial Engineer master in business with experience in project management and knowledge in data analysis, digital transformation and advanced office automation tools, Project, Tableau and Power B


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Spanish, English

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School
I want to learn a new hobby


University Canada West

2022 - 2023
Master of Business Administration - MBA, Business

Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

2019 - 2020
Master’s Degree, Business Administration and Project Management, Business

Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas

2012 - 2017
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Engineering

Expérience professionnelle

Bogota Mayor's Office

July 2020 - September 2022
Project Management and Data Analyst
• Carry out the programming, monitoring, and follow-up of 7 public projects with a budget over 30M CAD on a monthly basis to detect possible deviations so that stakeholders have timely and quality information to achieve the established objectives. • Manage, analyze, and consolidate the databases generated for accurate and updated information that facilitates decision-making based on more than 100 management indicators. • Implemented the use of dashboards on Power BI, reducing the time to prepare management reports and alerts to document findings and share them with stakeholders in 2 weeks.

Bogota Mayor's Office

January 2018 - June 2020
Business Process Analyst
• Support the entity's inventory management and reconciliation processes, documenting the associated procedures to ensure the reliability and timeliness of the information. • Develop databases to monitor the entity's goals and management indicators, to generate alerts and take corrective actions in a timely manner. • Updated the methodology for preparing and reporting indicators and provided methodological support in creating or modifying Management System documents. • Achieve the certification of the entity under ISO 9001: 2015.