Klavdija's cover photo
Klavdija's photo

Klavdija K.

USD $20/hr

Japanese language teacher

Informations du tuteur

À propos

I am an educated Japanese language teacher with two master's degrees: master's degree in Japanology and Pedagogy (Education for children) and master's degree in Japanese language education. Let's embark on a joyful journey of learning Japanese together! With my 5 years of living and studying in Japan, I can share its fascinating culture and hidden beauty with you. I can customize the session according to your needs!! Let's have fun while learning!


Brusnice, Slovenia


Slovenian, English, Japanese

Fuseau horaire




Middle School
High School
I want to learn a new hobby


University of Tsukuba

2021 - 2023
Master of Arts in International and Advanced Japanese Studies, Japanese language education
I have fulfilled all requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in International and Advanced Japanese Studies from the Master's program in International and advanced Japanese studies of the Graduate school of business sciences, humanities and social sciences at the University of Tsukuba.

University of Ljubljana

2016 - 2019
Master degree - second Bologna cycle (combined degree programme), Pedagogy (teacher education programme) and Japanese Studies
I have fulfilled all requirements for the Master degree - second Bologna cycle (combined degree programme) from study programme Pedagogy (teacher education programme) and Japanese Studies from University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts.

Expérience professionnelle

Pionirski dom Centre for Youth Culture

September 2018 - June 2019
Japanese language teacher
Leading a Japanese language course for children from elementary up to high school age. Leading workshops in context of Japanese culture (taiko drums, etc.), designing curriculum, teaching Japanese language, managing cooperation with Japanese guests and other projects involving other Japanese institutions like Japanese universities.