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Nicole's photo

Nicole W.

USD $15/hr

Experienced Mandarin tutor, free to choose the learning time

Informations du tuteur

À propos

Hi, Thank you for taking a look at my profile. My name is Nicole, I’m from China, and I’m living in BeiJing now. I’ve been teaching Mandarin online for two years, and having about 1000 lessons. I nearly having lessons every day. I’m very happy when i talking with my students. I teach a lot of daily conversations ,HSK and short stories, and I’m open to teach you everything that you interest in. If you have something that you want to learn, send me first and we can learn what you want. If you didn’t prepare for the lesson, tell me what you’re interested in and i will send you the content we will learn. My lessons mainly focus on Speaking, reading and listening of Mandarin, so if you want to improve your Mandarin, Contact me Please. I’m looking forward to meeting you Thank you so much and I’ll see you soon! Below are some links of my blogs: 嗨,感谢你查看我的资料,我的名字叫Nicole,我来自中国,现在住在北京。 我已经线上教授了两年的中文,上了大约700节课,大概700小时。 我几乎每天都有课。 当和朋友聊天时,我非常开心。 我教授日常对话、日常生活、小故事,我也可以教任何你所感兴趣的内容。 如果你有想学习的内容,将内容提前发给我,我们可以学习任何你想学习的内容。 如果你没有上课所需要的资料,告诉我你感兴趣的,我将提前将上课的内容发给你。 我的课程主要注重听、说、读,所以,如果你想提高中文,请与我联系。 我很开心见到你! 谢谢,我们很快将再见!{%22from%22:%22personal-center%22,%22uk%22:%22Pi0A4nSbo4HmNfGYYwExtg%22,%22tab%22:%22%22,%22openDrawer%22:%22fans%22}


Beijing, Beijing, China


Mandarin, English

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School
I want to learn a new hobby


TianJin University

2008 - 2012