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Megan's photo

Megan J.

USD $25/hr

Enthusiastic Tutor Ready to Help with Math & Science Tutoring

Informations du tuteur

À propos

Stressed? Confused? Overwhelmed? This is completely normal and I am here to help! I am happy to assist with all math subjects and many sciences including computer science and physics. We will move at your pace and go through homework, study for tests, and more! My Background: I a masters student a Carnegie Mellon University in Civil and Environmental Engineering. I graduated from Emory University in May 2021 with majors in Applied Mathematics and Environmental Sciences. From November 2021 to August 2022, I taught English as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Madagascar. Prior to teaching abroad, I tutored middle & high school math and science for 3 years.


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States


English, French

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School


Carnegie Mellon University

2022 - 2023
Masters of Science, Civil & Environmental Engineering

Emory University

2017 - 2021
Bachelors of Science, Applied Mathematics; Environmental Sciences

Expérience professionnelle


November 2021 - present
English Teaching Assistant
• Teach English to over 1200 high school students in 18 classes for 22 hours a week • Create curriculum focused on listening and speaking for classes as large as 120 students of varying English proficiency • Collaborate with the US Embassy to facilitate English programs and classes • Visit various English classes to guest teach weekly- topics include technology, the environment, and American culture

National Great Rivers Research and Education Center

June 2021 - August 2021
Student Researcher
• Produced a Quality Assurance & Quality Control plan for 7 buoys in the Great Rivers Ecological Observatory Network using technical manuals and literature on calibrations, linear interpolation, and sensors • Analyzed 7 years of continuous water quality monitoring data through AQUARIUS Time Series and Connect • Assisted in the deployment and retrieval of buoys and monitoring sensors on the Mississippi R. and Illinois reservoirs

Strive Academics

September 2020 - July 2021
• Tutored middle and high school students weekly in subjects including Geometry, AP Physics and AP Calculus • Worked with students to instruct lessons, assist with homework, prepare for exams, reteach subjects, and review topics

Residence Life

August 2019 - May 2021
Resident Assistant
• Assisted 28 first year students with the transition to college by leading weekly hall meetings and meeting individually • Coordinated programs for students focused on creativity and promoting a positive hall atmosphere • Assumed scheduled on-call responsibility 3-4 times a month and responded to student crises