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Nicole's photo

Nicole L.

USD $20/hr

I work with children, teenagers and individuals with learning disabilities. I am finishing up my psychology degree at the University of Melbourne, and have working experience teaching children.

Informations du tuteur

À propos

It always warms my heart to see a student do well in their studies, to know that their hard work has paid off! I recognise each student as unique and therefore I teach with an open mind and try to employ a plethora of strategies to better communicate taught material. Despite having short stints of experience in teaching individuals of differing abilities and learning challenges, I have found that positive encouragement and constant reassurance are as important as imparting academic knowledge in assisting my students to succeed and realize their full potential.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


English, Chinese

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School


The University of Melbourne

2018 - 2021
Bachelor of Science, Psychology
I am currently in my last year of my Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in psychology. I am an international student from Singapore and am looking to specialize in education and special needs in future studies.

Saint Joseph's Institution International

2015 - 2017
I completed my International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma at SJII in 2017, in which during the 3 years I had the opportunity to complete work experiences such as working to take care of wildlife in the Singapore Zoo and the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES). I was also able to participate in service programs such as traveling overseas to aid and teach underprivileged children in Bintan, Loola and Sangkhlaburi, Thailand, furthermore building a strawberry farm in the orphanage with my team so that the children could utilize the produce to procure funds to keep the orphanage running.

Expérience professionnelle

YMCA Singapore

February 2018 - June 2018
After-School Care Teacher
I worked part-time at Saint Margaret's Primary School for 5 months in 2018 as an A er-school Student Care Teacher, whereby I looked a er students aged 7 to 12 years old. I mainly supervised their well-being, tutored them in their studies, and aided in conducting holiday programmes to help broaden their learning holistically, such as the holiday Masterchef programme.

The SKILT Centre, Singapore

February 2018 - June 2018
IinternedattheSpecialKidsIntervention,Learning&TherapyCentre(SKILT Centre) for 5 months in 2018, with the teachers in the Early Intervention Programme (EIP). Through this, I aided as an assistant teacher to supervise and nurture children aged 2 to 6 with developmental challenges, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Global Developmental Disorder. I furthermore observed and assisted in weekly speech and occupational therapy sessions.