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Azonkeu's photo

Azonkeu O.

USD $15/hr

Certified Full-stack developer with 7 years of experience

Informations du tuteur

À propos

Hi! My name is Ornela, and I have been working as a full-stack web developer and a tutor for almost 7 years now. I am an expert with technologies like: HTML | CSS | JavaScript | React | Redux | Vue | Node | Ruby on Rails| Python | PHP | PostgreSQL | MySQL | Bootstrap | Ant Design | UI/UX. Over the years, I have built up a diverse range of skills and qualities that I believe make me a good teacher for complete beginners, intermediate students, and advanced students. I prepared way too many projects, documents, and learning materials for every type of learner out there. With me, you can learn: - programming languages from scratch; - how to build industry standard projects; - how to improve your knowledge as a developer own self; - how to successfully prepare for a Bootcamp; - How to successfully pass interviews for IT companies etc...


Buea, Southwest, Cameroon


English, French

Fuseau horaire



Middle School
High School
I want to learn a new hobby


University of Buea

2014 - 2018
Bachelor, Management
I studied management at the University of Buea. I learned how to effectively lead and manage others, to help individuals, teams, and organizations meet their full potential. Additionally, I learned how to keep employees motivated.

Expérience professionnelle


July 2019 - September 2020
Full-stack Developer
● Designed and developed React, Vue, and Angular-based educational and e-commerce platforms, increasing web traffic and sales by 25%, and boosting online sales within days of launch. ● Built RESTful APIs that served data to the JavaScript front-end based on dynamically chosen user inputs that handled over 100,000 concurrent users. ●. Designed and planned large and complex custom web applications with focus on Single Page Application (SPAs).


September 2018 - present
Online teacher
● Designed appropriate curriculum and programs, keeping in mind students' levels and goals. ● Designed creative and didactic programs that are both educational and enjoyable. ● Helped thousands of students improve their skills. ● Planned and delivered lessons to kids, teenagers, and adults.


January 2018 - April 2020
Full Stack Developer
● Worked with product managers to re-architect multi-page web apps into single page web apps, boosting yearly revenue by $1.1M. ● Earned exceptional year-end reviews and an average customer rating of 9.4/10 as a result of my comprehensive, customer-first approach to sales and support. ● Refactored monolithic codebase, increasing test coverage by 50% and speeding up internal processes by a factor of 3.


March 2017 - present
Full-stack Developer
● Integrated Stripe and PayPal payment gateway in PHP, Express, and Ruby on Rails. ● Collaborated with an agile team, and helped prioritize and scope feature requests to ensure that the biggest impact features were worked on first. ● Built custom web applications with more than 3M users and refactored codebase in order to improve scalability. ● Gathered and refined specifications and requirements based on technical needs. ● Communicated with internal teams and stakeholders, working to determine solutions for the user experience.