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Phil's photo

Phil L.

USD $50/hr

Experienced Organic Chemistry Tutor

5 hours

Problem Solving Worksheets

We'll work together to solve worksheets specifically tailored to help you understand and gain mastery of the core concepts and topics in Organic Chemistry.

Acheter 5 heures
15 hours

Recitation Hours

We'll work together to review your class materials on a weekly basis and chapter by chapter to ensure that you are always up to speed in your Orgo classes

Acheter 15 heures

Informations du tuteur

À propos

Hi guys. I am a Ph.D synthetic organic chemist with over 10 years experience in teaching organic chemistry courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. I’m very passionate about the subject matter and really enjoy working with students with the ultimate goal of helping them gain mastery of what at first seems to be a very complex subject. My experience with teaching organic chemistry started as an undergraduate at Michigan State University where I tutored students (mainly sophomores, juniors and seniors) in the natural sciences by solving Organic chemistry problems during recitation hours. Furthermore, I also designed assignments and study guides to aid students in their understanding of organic chemistry but most importantly help them succeed and perform well in their exams. I am very patient and my style of teaching provides students with all the necessary skill-set needed for understanding the core fundamental concepts in Organic chemistry which I strongly believe will help students succeed and gain an appreciation for organic chemistry.


Washington, District of Columbia, United States



Fuseau horaire



High School


Brown University

2011 - 2017
PhD, Organic Chemistry

Michigan State University

2007 - 2011
Bachelors, Chemistry


Organic Chemistry Tutoring

Worked with Phil for Organic Chemistry tutoring and he goes through the content at a pace that gives you time to understand but also wastes no time. Went through textbook notes and was super helpful to fill in gaps and run through examples to solidify my knowledge. Would absolutely recommend :)
By: Ben